Academic Catalog

College and District Administration

Cuyamaca College Administration

Jessica Robinson, Ed.D., President

Nicole Salgado, Vice President, Administrative Services

Jeanie Machado Tyler, Vice President, Instruction

Victoria Marrón, Ed.D., Vice President, Student Services

Brianna Hays, Senior Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, Success & Equity

Michael Navarre, Director, College & Community Relations

Lauren Halsted, Ed.D., Dean, Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (Art, American Sign Language, Communication, English, English as a Second Language, Ethnic Studies, History, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Performing Arts, World Languages)

Anthony Campbell, Dean, Athletics, Kinesiology & Health Education (Kinesiology/Fitness Center, Health Education)

George Dowden, Dean, Career Education (Automotive Technology, Business and Professional Studies, Center for Water Studies, Child Development, CADD Technology & Surveying, CIS & Graphic Design, Environmental Health & Safety Management, Ornamental Horticulture)

Agustín Orozco, Dean, Counseling Services

Jessica Hurtado Soto, Dean, Learning & Technology Resources

Tammi Marshall, Ed.D., Dean, Math, Science & Engineering (Mathematical Sciences, Science/Engineering)

Lauren Vaknin, Ed.D., Dean, Student Affairs

(Open), Dean, Student Success & Equity

Sade Burrell, Ed.D., Associate Dean, Student Services & Special Programs

Tashaurie Rogers, Director, Admissions & Records

Francisco Gonzalez, Director, Campus Facilities, Operations & Maintenance

Rachel Andersen, Director, Financial Aid

Michael Gilchrist, Manager, Campus Bookstore

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Administration

Lynn Ceresino Neault, Ed.D., Chancellor

Sahar Abushaban, Vice Chancellor, Business Services

Linda Beam, Interim Vice Chancellor, Human Resources

Nancy Lim, Associate Vice Chancellor, Business Services

Barbara Gallego, Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Support Services

Craig Leedham, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources

Kerry Kilber Rebman, Associate Vice Chancellor, Technology

Ken Emmons, Sr. Director, Districtwide Facilities

Jennifer Fujimoto, Sr. Director, Fiscal Services

Katie Loftus-Rapp, Sr. Director, Purchasing & Contracts

Cynthia K. Nagura, Director, Community & Workforce Partnerships

Jerry Williamson, Director, Computer Services

Pamela Wright, Director, Enterprise Systems

Katherine Borts, Director, Human Resources

Steven Domingo, Director, Information Security

Lana Arabu, Director, Payroll

Jennifer Kearns, Director, Public Information, Government Relations & Community Relations

Nicole Conklin, Director, Public Safety

Sally Cox, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation for Grossmont & Cuyamaca Colleges

Dana Rivers, Director of Development, Foundation for Grossmont & Cuyamaca Colleges

Gabriela Alvarez, Administrative Director to the Chancellor & Governing Board Operations

Jane Kennington, Executive Director, Personnel Commission

Code of Ethics

Cuyamaca College, as a public community college, and in the fulfillment of its mission, embraces a code of conduct for students, faculty, classified professionals, and administrators. We recognize the value and dignity of each individual within the framework of the campus community.

We strive in all our affairs to:

  • respect the opinions, values, and traditions of others,
  • be responsible for our behavior,
  • be honest, open and trustworthy,
  • be fair and equitable in our treatment of others, and
  • promote democratic principles, good citizenship, and the standards of academic freedom.