Academic Catalog

Business & Professional Studies

Entrepreneurship-Small Business Management Associate in Science and Certificate of Achievement

This degree program provides a course of study for students who are interested in developing an appreciation and understanding of the functional areas within the small business environment. The degree provides a working knowledge of small business operations to both the prospective business person as well as the owner/manager of an existing business.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Recognize and appropriately respond to ethical and legal concerns relating to human resource and organizational management.
  • Identify and analyze business problems or entrepreneurial opportunities and effectively communicate recommendations for courses of actions.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements to start a new venture, including the basics of leadership, team building, finance, marketing and management.

Career Opportunities

Small Business Owner/Manager
Intrapraneur (acting as an entrepreneur within a large company)
Assistant Manager
Small Business Specialist
Associate Account Manager
Small Business Developer
Business Assistant Coordinator

Associate in Science Degree Requirements

BUS-109Elementary Accounting3-4
or BUS-120 Financial Accounting
BUS-110Introduction to Business3
BUS-111Entrepreneurship: Starting and Developing a Business3
BUS-125Business Law: Legal Environment of Business3
BUS-128Business Communication3
Select two of the following:4-6
Craft Entrepreneur
Human Relations in Business
Principles of Management
Computerized Accounting Applications
Select at least three units from the following:3
Essential Word
Essential Excel
Essential Access
Essential Powerpoint
Google Applications for Business
Computer Concepts and Applications
Total Units22-25

Plus General Education Requirements

Certificate of Achievement

Students who complete only the major requirements above qualify for a Certificate of Achievement in Entrepreneurship–Small Business Management. An official request must be filed with the Admissions and Records Office prior to the deadline as stated in the Academic Calendar.