Academic Catalog

American Sign Language (ASL)

American Sign Language I  4 UNITS  
4.0 hours lecture  
Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf culture. The course is designed to give students with little to no experience in or exposure to ASL an emerging conversational and cultural foundation. Students will develop skills in telling about and comprehending common every day activities and asking questions. Students will learn how to use non-manual signs, facial expressions and other culturally appropriate uses of the face and body to interact with, show comprehension, get attention, and form appropriate cultural connections with Deaf people. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-6A)
American Sign Language II  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ASL 120 or equivalent  
4.0 hours lecture  
The second in a series of four American Sign Language (ASL) courses. Students are provided an opportunity to progress and enhance their ability to communicate in ASL. Students will continue the study of cultural analysis and comparisons, receptive skill comprehension, expressive skill production, and ASL linguistics. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B,6A)
American Sign Language with Infants and Toddlers  1 UNITS  
1.0 hours lecture  
Explore the methods and benefits of using American Sign Language (ASL) with hearing infants and toddlers. Areas emphasized will be methods, benefits, and philosophies of teaching infants and toddlers to communicate using ASL. Upon completion, students will be able to introduce these techniques in early childhood classrooms and/or at home. (CSU)
American Sign Language With School Age Children  1 UNITS  
1.0 hours lecture  
Explore the methods and benefits of using American Sign Language (ASL) with hearing school age children. Areas emphasized will be methods, benefits, and philosophies of teaching school age children to communicate using ASL. Upon completion, students will be able to introduce these techniques in elementary school classrooms and/or at home. (CSU)
American Sign Language: Fingerspelling  3 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ASL 120 or equivalent ability to sign  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course is taught using American Sign Language (ASL). The primary focus of this course is to become skilled in use of the American manual alphabet (Fingerspelling). Students will develop an awareness of how and when fingerspelling should be used within ASL. Upon completion of the course, students will demonstrate skilled ability to accurately use and comprehend ASL fingerspelling and numbers within conversational contexts. (CSU/UC)
Inside Deaf Culture  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course will introduce students to the Deaf community and American Deaf culture. Deaf heritage, values, behaviors, historical perspectives, and the grammar structure of sign language will be examined. American Sign Language (ASL) literature, Deaf artists, social and political influences, and emerging technology for Deaf people will be studied. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B)
American Sign Language III  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ASL 121 or equivalent  
4.0 hours lecture  
The third in a series of four American Sign Language (ASL) courses. Students are provided an opportunity to increase their receptive skill comprehension and expressive skill production. Cultural analysis and comparisons will focus on American Deaf cultural processes, practices, and products of Deaf culture. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B,6A)
American Sign Language IV  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ASL 220 or equivalent  
4.0 hours lecture  
The fourth in a series of four American Sign Language (ASL) courses. Students are provided an opportunity to increase their receptive skill comprehension and expressive skill production. Cultural analysis and comparisons will focus on American Deaf cultural processes, practices, and products of Deaf culture. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B,6A)