Academic Catalog

Economics (ECON)

Economic Issues and Policies  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
A one-semester course that provides general elementary knowledge of basic economic concepts and serves as an introduction to more advanced economics courses. Surveys current economic subjects including consumer economics, inflation, recession, competition, monopoly, world trade and competing economic systems. Not open to students with credit in ECON 120 or 121. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Principles of Macroeconomics  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Introductory course focusing on aggregate economic analysis. Topics include: market systems; economic cycles including recession, unemployment and inflation; national income accounts; macroeconomic equilibrium; money and financial institutions; monetary and fiscal policy; and international trade and finance. Includes some use of graphs and elementary algebra. (C-ID ECON 202) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Principles of Microeconomics  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Principles of economic analysis and decision-making from the viewpoint of the individual consumer, worker, and firm. Focuses on the price system allocation of resources and income, supply and demand analysis, the structure of American industry, and applications to current economic policy and problems. Includes some use of graphs and elementary algebra. (C-ID ECON 201) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)