Academic Catalog

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Global Awareness and Appreciation Certificate of Proficiency

Certificates of Proficiency are designed for the student who needs to be prepared to enter an entry-level job. A department-issued certificate may be awarded upon successful completion of a prescribed course of study. This certificate will not appear on a student’s transcript.

This certificate accompanies the successful completion of the courses listed below. It certifies that the student has successfully completed background courses providing a global cultural background as well as current globalizing trends, processes and issues. It prepares a student to effectively work in our 21st century global environment. This certificate addresses the increased demand for a globally competent public and workforce.

Note: All courses must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or higher or “Pass.”

GEOG-130Human Geography: The Cultural Landscape3
GEOG-100Introduction to Global Studies3
or GEOG-101 Global Issues
Total Units6