Academic Catalog

Respiratory Therapy (RESP)

Respiratory Therapy Skills Lab  0 UNITS  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy Program.  
6.0 hours laboratory  
This course is designed to provide current Respiratory Therapy students with individual and small group redemonstration of basic and advanced bedside respiratory therapy skills. Supervised practice is available on a recurring, as needed, and/or drop-in basis to improve student's performance levels and increase retention and success outcomes. This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only. This is a no fee/no credit course
Cardiopulmonary Physiology and Disease Entities  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy Program  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 108 and 112 and 114.  
4.0 hours lecture  
This course is designed to explore advanced functions of the cardiopulmonary system by building upon previous knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. The course expands on the physiological processes of ventilation, gaseous diffusion, gaseous transport, the relationship between the pulmonary and systemic circulations, and how acid-base balance is essential in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Students will compare and contrast normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology and examine the interrelationship between abnormal findings and disease. (CSU)
Basic Respiratory Therapy Equipment, Procedures and Life Support Systems  5 UNITS  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy Program.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 105 and 112 and 114.  
3.0 hours lecture, 6.0 hours laboratory  
This course is designed to introduce the student to basic patient assessment, equipment, and procedures used in respiratory therapy. Equipment principles of operation, proper care and maintenance, and trouble-shooting are included. Education of diverse patient populations, proper infection control techniques, and patient care plans are introduced. Simulation and laboratory exercises are integrated into the course in order to improve the students' ability to manage patients, promote critical thinking and decision-making skills, and to improve communication and technical skills. (CSU)
Supervised Clinical Practicum I  1 UNITS  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy Program.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 105 and 108 and 114.  
3.0 hours laboratory  
This course is designed to practice basic respiratory therapy procedures and general patient assessment in the general care environment. Included in the supervised experiences are laboratory and physical assessment, oxygen therapy, humidity and aerosol therapy and general medication delivery by inhalation.(CSU(
Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology  2 UNITS  
Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy Program  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 105 and 108 and 112.  
2.0 hours lecture  
This course is designed for the Respiratory Therapy student. Major emphasis will be given to cardiac, cardiovascular, and pulmonary drugs. Specific drugs in these categories will be addressed in terms of action, indication, possible allergic reactions and contraindications. (CSU)
Assessment in Respiratory Care  2.5 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 105 and 108 and 112 and 114 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 118 and 122 and 150.  
2.5 hours lecture  
This course is designed to build upon basic assessment skills. Development of advanced skills is done through incorporating diverse techniques used when completing physical examinations, gathering data, making decisions and providing recommendations in the care of patients with cardiopulmonary diseases. This process is done through analyzing data, deciphering significant clinical findings, discussing effective communication methods and collaboratively formulating a plan of care. (CSU)
Critical Care Life Support Equipment and Procedures  4.5 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 105 and 108 and 112 and 114 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 116 and 122 and 150.  
3.0 hours lecture, 4.5 hours laboratory  
This course explores advanced concepts of respiratory therapy equipment and therapeutic procedures with emphasis on complex principles of equipment operation and care, quality control and advanced therapeutic techniques as employed in the critical care environment. Special emphasis is placed on life support systems. Variations in ventilation oxygenation and current weaning techniques are discussed for various disease entities. (CSU)
Supervised Clinical Practicum II  3 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 105 and 108 and 112 and 114 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 116 and 118 and 150.  
9.0 hours laboratory  
This course is designed to practice general respiratory therapy procedures and pulmonary assessment in the acute care hospital environment. Included in the supervised experiences are oxygen, aerosol and medication delivery therapy, chest physiotherapy techniques, hyperinflation therapy, airway care techniques and mechanical ventilation management with both acute and critical care patients. Pulmonary assessment, monitoring and pathophysiology are applied to modify appropriate patient care management. (CSU)
Neonatal Pediatric Respiratory Care  3 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 105, 108, 112 and 114 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 116 and 118 and 122.  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course is designed to familiarize the respiratory therapy student with the knowledge necessary to care for pediatric and neonatal patient populations. Pediatric, infant, and neonatal physiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, management and treatment in acute and critical care are emphasized. (CSU)
Work-Study Externship - Patient Care Management  1 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 122 or equivalent and recommendation of the Respiratory Therapy faculty.  
This is a work study course in which a Grossmont College Respiratory Therapy student is employed by or volunteers at a clinical site with whom the Respiratory Therapy Program has established an affiliation agreement. The clinical site supports the objectives of the course and provides supervision through licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner preceptors. The student applies previously acquired Respiratory Therapy theory and clinical skills in the management of patient care. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only and may be taken three times. (CSU) 5 hours work experience per week, 60 volunteer hours or 75 paid hours.
Work-Study Externship - Patient Care Management  1 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 122 or equivalent and recommendation of the Respiratory Therapy faculty.  
This is a work study course in which a Grossmont College Respiratory Therapy student is employed by or volunteers at a clinical site with whom the Respiratory Therapy Program has established an affiliation agreement. The clinical site supports the objectives of the course and provides supervision through licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner preceptors. The student applies previously acquired Respiratory Therapy theory and clinical skills in the management of patient care. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only and may be taken three times. (CSU) 5 hours work experience per week, 60 volunteer hours or 75 paid hours.
Work-Study Externship - Patient Care Management  1 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 122 or equivalent and recommendation of the Respiratory Therapy faculty.  
This is a work study course in which a Grossmont College Respiratory Therapy student is employed by or volunteers at a clinical site with whom the Respiratory Therapy Program has established an affiliation agreement. The clinical site supports the objectives of the course and provides supervision through licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner preceptors. The student applies previously acquired Respiratory Therapy theory and clinical skills in the management of patient care. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only and may be taken three times. (CSU) 5 hours work experience per week, 60 volunteer hours or 75 paid hours.
Cardiopulmonary Pathology and Pathophysiology  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 116 and 118 and 122 and 150 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 208 and 222.  
4.0 hours lecture  
This course is an introduction to basic respiratory pathology and resulting abnormal physiology. The role of the respiratory therapist in management of cardiorespiratory disease entities commonly found in the general care environment, in the intensive care unit, and in the home care setting is developed. Emphasis is placed on the pathological processes. (CSU)
Work-Study Externship - Patient Care Management  2 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 122 or equivalent and recommendation of the Respiratory Therapy faculty.  
This is a work study course in which a Grossmont College Respiratory Therapy student is employed by or volunteers at a clinical site with whom the Respiratory Therapy Program has established an affiliation agreement. The clinical site supports the objectives of the course and provides supervision through licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner preceptors. The student applies previously acquired Respiratory Therapy theory and clinical skills in the management of patient care. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis and may be repeated three times. (CSU) 10 hours work experience per week, 120 volunteer hours or 150 paid hours.
Work-Study Externship - Patient Care Management  2 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 122 or equivalent and recommendation of the Respiratory Therapy faculty.  
This is a work study course in which a Grossmont College Respiratory Therapy student is employed by or volunteers at a clinical site with whom the Respiratory Therapy Program has established an affiliation agreement. The clinical site supports the objectives of the course and provides supervision through licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner preceptors. The student applies previously acquired Respiratory Therapy theory and clinical skills in the management of patient care. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis and may be repeated three times. (CSU) 10 hours work experience per week, 120 volunteer hours or 150 paid hours.
Work-Study Externship - Patient Care Management  2 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 122 or equivalent and recommendation of the Respiratory Therapy faculty.  
This is a work study course in which a Grossmont College Respiratory Therapy student is employed by or volunteers at a clinical site with whom the Respiratory Therapy Program has established an affiliation agreement. The clinical site supports the objectives of the course and provides supervision through licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner preceptors. The student applies previously acquired Respiratory Therapy theory and clinical skills in the management of patient care. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis and may be repeated three times. (CSU) 10 hours work experience per week, 120 volunteer hours or 150 paid hours.
Professionalism and Career Preparation for Respiratory Therapy  3.5 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 201 and 208 and 222 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 232 and 268.  
3.5 hours lecture  
RESP 205 is a course that prepares the student for a career in Respiratory Therapy. Topics in professionalism, ethics, life-long learning and preparation for state licensure and professional exams are explored by the student. Students are invited to create a professional resume, cover letters and a portfolio. Students will design a capstone project that reflects their interest and passion in respiratory health. (CSU)
Invasive and Noninvasive Cardiopulmonary Monitoring  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 116 and 118 and 122 and 150 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 201 and 222.  
3.0 hours lecture, 3.0 hours laboratory  
This course is designed to provide theory and hands-on practice in various means of monitoring the patient in the acute care setting. An introductory level of advanced modes of ventilation, principles of weaning from mechanical ventilation as well as monitoring the cardiovascular system with capnography, electrocardiography and hemodynamic monitoring in the critical care setting will be presented. (CSU)
Sleep Disorders, Diagnostic Procedures, and Treatments  4 UNITS  
4.0 hours lecture  
The student will become familiar with Sleep Medicine and the opportunities available in this specialty. The student will learn about roles of the sleep specialist, infection control and patient safety, sleep physiology and functions, monitoring of the patient, and the use of diagnostic and treatment equipment and options.(CSU)
Supervised Clinical Practicum III  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 116 and 118 and 122 and 150 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 201 and 208.  
12.0 hours laboratory  
This course provides practice in advanced respiratory procedures and therapeutic techniques in the critical care environment. Therapeutic management of critical pulmonary patients is practiced under direct instructor supervision. Assessment of patient pulmonary status by the student is required prior to the convening of clinical. (CSU)
Supervised Clinical Practicum IV  4 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 201 and 208 and 222 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 205 and 268.  
12.0 hours laboratory  
This course provides practice in advanced cardiopulmonary specialty techniques in the hospital environment or simulation lab under direct supervision of specialty experts. These techniques build upon content from 201, 208, and 222. (CSU)
Respiratory Therapy Home Care Techniques  1.5 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 201 and 208 and 222 or equivalent.  
Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 205 and 232.  
1.5 hours lecture  
This course will provide the student with a review of various apparatuses utilized by patients in their home. This will include home oxygen therapy modalities, home sterilization techniques and home ventilator life support systems. (CSU)
Respiratory Therapy Review  2 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in RESP 201 and 208 and 222 or equivalent.  
2.0 hours lecture  
The student will review all areas of Respiratory Therapy as preparation for the Respiratory Therapy advanced level credentialing examinations. Emphasis will be given to credentialing examination matrices. (CSU)