Academic Catalog

Divisions of the College

Allied Health and Nursing (AHN)

  • Nancy Saks, DNSc, RN
    • Senior Dean - Allied Health and Nursing
  • Nursing
    • Deborah Chow, DNP, FNP, RN
      • Associate Dean of Nursing
  • Program Coordinators
    • Liz Barrow
      • Cardiovascular Technology
      • Telemetry / ECG
    • Amanda Clay
      • Orthopedic Technology
    • Holly Reed
      • Occupational Therapy Assistant
    • Carey Flores
      • Respiratory Therapy

Health Professions

Cardiovascular Technology

Farmer, Rosen

Cardiovascular Technology is a discipline of Allied Health which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Graduates of the program enter the health care profession as Cardiovascular Technologists with a specialty of Invasive, Adult Echocardiography or Vascular diagnostics. The program is composed of on-campus lecture and laboratory courses, and clinical experience in local hospitals and clinics. The Cardiovascular Program at Grossmont College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Refer to Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in Cardiovascular Technology Associate in Science in Associate Degree Programs for further details.

Telemetry Technician/ECG

ECG/ Telemetry technicians are allied health professionals who operate electrocardiograph machines to provide physicians with data for diagnosis and treatment of heart ailments. Telemetry Technicians are employed in hospitals, clinics, and private practice offices.

The beginning ECG/ Telemetry course trains students to record basic electrocardiograms and recognize abnormalities. ECG/ Telemetry Technicians may also be required to perform pacemaker evaluation, cardiac stress-testing, Holter monitoring, and telemetry arrhythmia monitoring. The advanced telemetry courses include the theory and techniques necessary to perform these duties.


Aliyev, Babini, Brooks, Dyal, Madrid, Maloney, Ngo-Bigge, Rivas, Ryan, Shadroff

Nursing is a profession whose focus is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual and potential health problems. The Nursing Program prepares individuals to provide professional nursing care to clients in critical, acute, chronic and out-patient settings. The Nursing Program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. Refer to Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) in Nursing Associate in Science in Associate Degree Programs for further details.

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Fries, Reed

The Occupational Therapy Assistant is a health care professional who works in collaboration with a registered occupational therapist to improve functional performance in daily living activities with people who are limited by physical injury or illness, mental health problems, developmental or learning disabilities or the aging process. Treatment goals are accomplished through the use of therapeutic occupations including: manual and creative arts, daily living tasks, exercises, play/leisure activities and simulated work tasks. The Occupational Therapy Assistant Program prepares individuals to provide services in a wide range of treatment settings including: hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities, schools, day treatment centers, outpatient clinics and other community agencies. The Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE), 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD  20852-4929, phone number (301) 652-6611. Refer to Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) in Occupational Therapy Assistant Associate in Science in Associate Degree Programs for further details.

Orthopedic Technology

Clay, Duke, Rice

Training as an Orthopedic Technologist offers lifetime professional skills in an expanding allied health field. This program is designed to prepare graduates to perform the application, adjustment and removal of casts, splints and braces; set up and maintain all traction configurations; assist in the care of the acutely injured orthopedic patient, including wound dressings; and to assist the physician in the reduction and/or manipulation of orthopedic injuries.

Most Orthopedic Technologists are employed in either hospitals, clinics, or private practice offices. Refer to Admission: Orthopedic Technology (OT) Program in Admission Information for program admission requirements.

Respiratory Therapy

Flores, Handley, Rose

Medical Direction is provided by Dr. David Willms, Pulmonologist at Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego.

Respiratory Therapy is an expanding field in medical treatment. Students are trained in the treatment, management, control and care of patients with respiratory diseases or other cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Practitioners in Respiratory Therapy are involved in a wide variety of life-saving and life-supporting situations, working side-by-side with physicians and others on the health care team. Graduates enter the health care profession as a Registered Respiratory Therapist and may work in a variety of health care settings - hospitals, including acute and critical care (intensive care units - neonatal, pediatric and adult), rehabilitation diagnostic laboratories and outpatient clinics. The Respiratory Therapy Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). Graduates are eligible for licensure through the Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB) and for the entry level and advanced level practitioner exams (CRT and RRT) through the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). Refer to Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB) in Admission: Respiratory Therapy (RESP) Program in Admission Information for further details.

Arts, Languages and Communication (ALC)

  • Vanessa Fountain, DMA
    • Dean
  • Department Chairpersons
    • Jamie Gould
      • American Sign Language
    • Victoria Curran, Joel Castellaw
      • Communication
    • Dave Mullen
      • Dance
    • Jeanette Calo
      • Media Communications
    • Derek Cannon, Melonie Grinnell
      • Music
    • Katie Banville
      • Theatre Arts
    • Jennifer Bennett
      • Visual Arts & Humanities 
    • Ruth Navarro
      • World Languages:
      • Arabic, Chinese, French, German,  Japanese, Russian, Spanish

The Division of Arts, Languages and Communications provides courses of study in the fine and performing arts, including studio arts, art history, dance, digital media,  music, photography, and theatre. Other course offerings include humanities, communication, forensics debate, media communications, American Sign Language and world languages. Courses and programs are designed to meet the needs of those seeking a degree in these fields, seeking transfer to a university, or for those preparing for careers in these fields as well as for those seeking general education or desiring to develop creative skills.

American Sign Language


The American Sign Language program offers students the opportunity to learn about the history of the language and aspects of Deaf Culture while developing skills in ASL use.


Akua, Castellaw, Curran, McHan, Perez, Schulmeyer, Strothers, Tuscany

Communication’s basic objective is to provide experiences which lead to improved awareness, knowledge and skill in human communication. Focusing on communication behavior, the course offerings utilize the insights of the behavioral scientist, the psychologist, the communicologist, and the semanticist, as well as the rhetorician. Although the major responsibility is to serve all members of the college community, regardless of their educational objectives or occupational goals, specialized training is available for communication majors and other students with special needs and interests.



Dance is the language of movement, which serves as a means of communication and expression basic to all individuals.

The dance department offers a diverse selection of movement styles and dance genres. Emphasis is placed upon proper alignment, kinesthetic movement principles, and theory to support a variety of dance forms.

Opportunities are provided for all interested persons to develop their dance skills and movement potential. Courses are designed to fill the general need and will also allow for intensive study in a particular area.

The Associate Degree in Dance program is designed to provide training for transfer to similar programs at four-year institutions and will prepare the student for employment in a variety of areas of dance. The department also offers a Certificate of Achievement in Dance.  Biannual faculty and student choreographed dance concerts provide students choreography and performance opportunities. The dance curriculum includes courses in ballet, modern dance, jazz, tap, hip hop, musical theater dance, choreography, improvisation, pointe, Pilates, dance history, and dance theater performance.

Students who plan to pursue a dance major should confer with the department chair.

Media Communications

Ahearn, Calo, Wirig

The area of Media Communications (MCOM) includes Audio Production, Cross-Media Journalism, and Video Production. Production courses in each emphasis are conducted with state-of-the-art equipment. In these courses, students learn to write and produce program material, operate studio-quality equipment, and function within media communications production organizations.

Audio Production students can choose between Audio Multi-track Production and Radio Broadcasting, preparing them for careers in music and broadcast industries. Cross-Media Journalism courses are designed to make students aware of the impact of the news media on their lives and to develop competency in the numerous skills demanded of today’s journalists. Students enrolled in Video Production courses learn the process of visual storytelling, from creating short films and documentaries to making music and marketing videos.

MCOM students can serve on the staff of Griffin Radio, the college’s radio station, and The Summit, the college’s news website and print magazine. They can also develop and record newscasts and podcasts. Many graduates of the MCOM program go directly to employment positions in broadcasting, corporate communications, and digital media production companies, or transfer to four-year universities.


Cannon, Grinnell, Tweed

The two-year major in music will prepare a student for transfer to a four-year institution for completion of an elementary or secondary teaching credential; a major in jazz, music history, theory or composition; or an applied music degree. In addition, the music staff welcomes all persons interested in continuing their development of skills and appreciation of music by enrolling in any of the technical or performance classes.

The music curriculum of the college includes courses in harmony, counterpoint, ear-training, keyboard, sight-singing, and music appreciation. Class study is offered in voice, piano, classical guitar, strings, brass, woodwind and percussion. Performing groups include Symphony Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Master Chorale, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, String Orchestra, Middle Eastern Ensemble and Afro-Cuban Ensemble.

The performing organizations provide a variety of programs for student and community interest. The student recitals and annual Winter and Spring Concerts offer cultural opportunities to both performers and audiences.

Students who plan to follow a music major course should contact the Music Department office before or during registration in order that prerequisites and placement obligations are clearly understood. Music majors are expected to participate in at least one performing group each semester.

Theatre Arts

Banville, Bennett, Gittings

The Grossmont College Theatre Arts Department provides a professional environment for holistic theatrical training. Our curriculum strives to provide the essential lower division courses needed to transfer to four-year institutions along with the skills for immediate employment in the entertainment industry. With a focus on equity, inclusion and outreach we prepare our diverse student population to strive for artistic and academic excellence. General Education classes also offered in the areas of Theatre Appreciation and Costume History, as well as Narrative Theory. Specialized performance areas include: Voice and Movement for the Stage, Acting for the Camera, and Musical Theatre. Several different avenues are available for student involvement in productions including on-site productions, touring/off-site productions, and summer productions. No theatre student is completely equipped without at least a passing knowledge of the total requirements of all the areas necessary to produce and present stage productions. Those interested in pursuing an Associate Degree are encouraged to contact the Theatre Arts Department for clarification on prerequisites and course offerings.

Visual Arts & Humanities

Art History – Molina

Ceramics – Gray
Humanities – Davies-Morris, Mapes
Painting and Drawing – Bennett
Photography – Turounet
Sculpture/Jewelry – Rainbolt 

Art History explores the creative production of cultures and individuals from the ancient world to contemporary times. Works of art and monuments are studied with regard to their historical context – religion, culture, politics, and technology with the goal of understanding and distinguishing characteristics of style belonging to art historical periods, artists, works of art, and media.  

Ceramics  Ceramic form and technique are explored through experiences in hand building and wheel throwing. Ceramic history and cultural traditions, aesthetics, and many processes and techniques of pottery and sculptural ceramic forms are examined. The study of ceramics involves both theory and practice and can relate in many ways to other aspects of life.

Digital Art is an evolving medium that fuses traditional concepts of composition and art making with newer digital methodologies. Using significant technologies and image making processes, Digital Art students explore a wide range of digital tools and compositional devices to learn how to employ computers to produce powerful images and animations.

Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking provide students with a two-dimensional art foundation to increase aesthetic awareness and abilities to generate, solve, and respond to visual information.  Techniques, materials, and methods of the practice and critical discourse of representational and contemporary art are explored in a cultural context of visual arts as a vehicle of expression. 

Humanities (studia humanitas) courses use analytic and critical thinking skills to read, write, and study that which pertains to the human condition, with particular focus on the liberal arts (e.g., literature, art and art history, philosophy, religion, music, architecture, anthropology and archaeology, theory, etc.). Humanities attempts to discover and make sense of the world through interdisciplinary and chronological viewpoints.

Photography provides students an in-depth study into the practice and critical discourse of photography, photographic seeing and lens-based culture as a visual document of creative expression and communication. The fundamentals of analog and digital photography are set within a series of foundation, intermediate and advanced courses which reference the rich history of the medium as well as contemporary practice, providing students the opportunity to complete an Associates of Arts degree or a Certificate of Achievement.

Sculpture/Jewelry includes 3-D design, jewelry design, and sculpture courses emphasizing study in the various physical methods and conceptual theories used to produce three-dimensional art. Sculpture students explore a wide range of media in both an historical and contemporary viewpoint, ranging from traditional object-making to art in a public context.

World Languages

Crespo, Ireiqat, Navarro, Vincent, Young

In a world that is increasingly interdependent, we can no longer afford to remain monolingual. Success depends in large measure on the ability of an individual to function as a member of a global village whose members speak a variety of languages. Learning world languages is no longer a pastime: it is a necessity. How does learning an additional language help you to meet today’s challenges?

The Study of Languages

  • helps you to expand your view of the world
  • encourages critical reflection on the relation between language and culture, language and thought
  • expands your opportunities for meaningful leisure activities (such as travel, viewing foreign language films, watching foreign TV programs)
  • develops your intellect (encouraging good learning habits, memorization, combining course content and skills in a meaningful way)
  • improves knowledge of the native language (through comparison and contrast with the foreign language)
  • exposes you to modes of thought and viewpoints that are available only in the foreign language and its culture
  • helps to build practical skills that may be used in other disciplines
  • fosters your understanding of the interrelation between language and human nature
  • teaches and encourages respect for other ethnic groups
  • contributes to the development of your personality
  • contributes to the achievement of national goals, such as economic development or national security

At Grossmont College, world languages are presented as a major for the specialist, as a required introduction for the transfer student, and as a source of personal development for the student seeking general education.

Language learning is presented in the sequence of listening, speaking, reading and writing, yet never losing sight of the cultural aspects. While developing oral skills, the student gains background in reading and writing and related cultural aspects adequate to successfully continue his/her language studies elsewhere and to apply his/her language skills in practical situations.

Ordinarily, the student with two years of high school language will enroll in level two in college; three years of high school language, level three; and with four years of high school language in level four. 

There is a prerequisite exam that may be taken at the Assessment Center (Bldg 10-Room 172) for the student who does not know their level or does not have transcripts or documentation.

Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development (CTE/WD)

  • Javier Ayala, Ph.D.
    • Dean
  • Department Chairperson
    • Kelly Menck
      • Administration of Justice
    • Brian Keliher
      • Business Administration
    • Hau Nguyen 
      • Computer Science Information Systems
  • Program Coordinator
    • Donna Dixon, Sosha Thomas
      • Business Office Technology
    • Robin Sepulveda
      • Child Development, Education and Family Studies
    • James Foran
      • Culinary Arts
    • Eva Nicasio 
      • Global Trade, Hospitality & Tourism Management, International Business, Management, Marketing, Retail Management

The Division of Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development offers a variety of associate degree and certificate programs and courses which prepare students for careers, career upgrade and for transfer to four-year colleges and universities.

Administration of Justice

Menck, Sampson, Stewart, Young

Administration of Justice (AOJ) Department, also known as Public Safety and Security Programs, offers a variety of degrees, certificates, and courses. The program includes four major Areas of Emphasis: Law Enforcement, Corrections, Forensic Technology, and Security Management. An Associate of Science-Transfer Degree is also available which provides priority registration to SDSU & CSU Criminal Justice degree majors. In addition to the areas of emphasis, the department presents a Security Academy, Public Safety Dispatch and in-service training. All programs are designed for career-oriented students or transfer to four-year institutions. For detailed information, view the AOJ website at


Business education is among the largest and most popular fields of study. In many of the programs, community business leaders work cooperatively with the college staff to provide an on-site educational experience. Grossmont’s programs are divided into the following three areas:

Business  –  Administration

Barendse, Hern, Keliher

Business Administration is the program intended for those students planning to transfer to a four-year college in any business area.

Business Office Technology

Dixon, Keane, Thomas

This program prepares students for employment in today’s technology intensive offices. Students complete courses for either the Administrative Assistant or Executive Assistant major. Computer training is emphasized and is offered online, hyflex and on campus. The comprehensive series of Microsoft Office courses prepares students to take the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Certification Examination. Students also complete internships with local employers. Graduates of the program will be prepared to work with management in all types of business environments. The Business Office Technology program also offers several certificates of proficiency in a variety of specialties including Medical Office Assistant which provides students the necessary skills to gain employment in a variety of medical office environments. Students successfully completing the certificate will be qualified to seek employment as: Medical office receptionists, hospital admitting clerks, medical insurance billers, to name a few.

Child Development, Education and Family Studies

Sepulveda, Soltero

Child Development, Education and Family Studies offer a range of courses for family and life management, parenting, lifelong learning and opportunities for employment in the field of Early Childhood Education and related areas. Several courses in Child Development, Education and Family Studies can be used to fulfill general education requirements and most are transferable to four-year colleges and universities.

The Child Development program is designed for persons seeking employment in the child development field as teachers, directors, and owners of preschools and child care centers including infant/toddler programs. Courses meet requirements for Community Care Licensing and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Child Development Permits. We operate an on-campus child care program providing care for children of students and employees of Grossmont College and serving as a lab school for students who are enrolled in child development courses.

The Education Department serves to facilitate those seeking careers in teaching. Course offerings augment the general education program required for transfer to a four year institution.

Family Studies offers courses designed to help individuals manage their lives more effectively. Family Studies addresses contemporary issues such as changing family styles, time and stress management, development through the life span and aging. Family Studies is dedicated to enabling individuals to develop skills that improve the quality of life.

Child Development, Education and Family Studies also operate the Foster Adoptive and Kinship Care Education program providing training and support groups throughout the county in collaboration with the local region’s Community Services for Families agencies.

Further information on these programs is available on the website:

Computer Science Information Systems

Bell, Gillespie, Hotz, Nguyen

The CSIS Department delivers quality education to students based on a comprehensive, relevant curriculum that provides students with the ability to transfer, enter the workforce, promote and maintain life-long learning.

This is a comprehensive and well-equipped program leading to proficiencies in computer programming, web design, and Local Area Network support specialist. Expanding opportunities in computer and information science make these programs increasingly popular. 

Culinary Arts

Carlone Baker, Foran, Rossi

This program prepares students for employment in today’s food service/hospitality industry. Students may earn either a Certificate of Achievement, a Culinary Arts degree or a Pastry Arts degree. Graduates of the program enter an industry filled with expanding opportunities as executive chefs, banquet chefs, restaurant chefs, personal chefs, pastry chefs, caterers, kitchen and restaurant managers, line cooks, prep cooks, banquet cooks and also as owners of their own food service operation. The program is composed of on-campus lecture and lab courses. Some coursework is transferable to four-year institutions.

Global Trade, Hospitality & Tourism Management, International Business, Management, Marketing, Retail Management


Programs in this area include Marketing, Management, International Business, Global Trade, and Retail Management. Many of the majors in this area include on-site cooperative work experience with local employers.

Counseling (COUN)

The Division of Counseling programs are fully described in the Student Services section of this catalog or online at  

Counselors provide services designed to help people become more acutely aware of their values, interests and abilities, thus enabling them to take maximum advantage of educational and vocational opportunities.

Counselors strive to establish a counseling relationship conducive to self-exploration, creative problem-solving, the development of meaningful relationships with others, experiencing newness and change, accepting personal responsibility and the development of individualized educational and/or vocational plans.

Students are encouraged to avail themselves of counseling services by making an appointment online at the reception desk in the Counseling Center, or by calling (619) 644-7208. Questions requiring short answers usually can be answered by the counselor on duty in the lobby of the center, online, or by staff when calling the center. Persons with emergencies are seen promptly.

  • Martha Clavelle
    • Dean of Counseling Services
  • ​Gary Johnson
    • Department Chair- General Counseling

General Counseling Faculty:

Aceves, Aloka, Ayala, Canady, Corona-Batalona, Cruzado, Cuevas, Decker, Dillon, Heidari, Johnson, Macias, Martinez, Moore, Morente, Patnaik, Ramirez, Ray, Silva, Tajii, To, Toral

  • Courtney Willis
    • Dean of First Year Services & Retention 
  • Veronica Romero
    • Associate Dean of Student Services &Special Programs

Department Chairpersons:

  • Brian Woolsey & Maite Valladolid
    • Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) 

Program Coordinators:

  • Patrice Braswell
    • Accessibility Resource Center (A.R.C.)
  • Gabrielle Gosselin
    • CalWORKs & New Horizons
  • Maite Valladolid
    • Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)
  • Brian Woolsey
    • NextUp
  • Veronica Rosales
    • Summer Institute Program (SIP)
  • Hadassah Nations
    • Transitions to Success (T2S)

English and Social/Behavioral Sciences (ESBS)

  • Dr. Stephen Fomeche
    • Interim Dean
  • Department Chairpersons
    • Lara Braff, Michael Bacon, Israel Cardona Gerena
      • Behavioral Sciences:
      • Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology
    • Michelle Crooks, Alan Traylor
      • English
    • Mark Poupard
      • English as a Second Language    ​
    • Natalye Harpin, Raymundo Quezada
      • Ethnic, Gender, & Social Justice; Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies (formerly Cross-Cultural Studies Program)
    • Angela Feres
      • History
    • June Yang
      • Philosophy, Religious Studies
    • Ricardo Crespo
      • Political Economy:
      • Economics, Political Science

Courses in the English and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division are designed to develop the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking skills necessary for effective critical analysis and understanding of the complex interrelationships of people and institutions in this world of diverse cultures and perspectives. The dynamic social, political, economic, philosophical, and linguistic patterns of our world challenge us to examine information in a scientific manner within the proper historical context. The departments within the English and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division strive to bring the tools of scientific methodology into the study of cultures and people, past and present, through the disciplines of anthropology, ethnic and gender studies, economics, English, English as a second language, history, philosophy, political sciences, psychology, religious studies, and sociology. Many courses satisfy general education requirements at Grossmont and at four-year colleges and universities. In addition, the courses offered fulfill some or all lower division requirements for a variety of majors. 


Braff, Yoshida-Levine

Anthropology is the study of all aspects of the human species, spanning the time from the earliest human ancestors to contemporary societies. In seeking to understand human diversity anthropologists take an extremely broad approach, emphasizing both biological and cultural aspects of humanity. Anthropology is traditionally organized into four subfields: cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology.

Coursework in anthropology is a valuable component of a liberal arts education. Students of anthropology learn to develop a broad perspective on humanity, apply scientific research methods, and work effectively in a multicultural environment. These competencies can help students succeed in a global society. 


McGann, Myers, Shahrokhi 

Economics students study the major types of economic systems in the world, the ways economic/political decisions are made, and the outcomes of those decisions.


Balasubramanian, Bellinghiere, Brown, Cardenas, Cervantes, Crooks, Deutsch, Griffith, Harris, Hurvitz, Jendian, Ledri-Aguilar, Miller, Nolen, Roe, Sherlock, Sow, Steliga, Traylor

The study of English engages the student both as reader and as writer. As reader, the student explores the traditions of literary form and thought characteristic of western and other world civilizations. As writer, the student practices methods of imposing order on ideas and expressing those ideas in an effective manner. Although a literature course emphasizes literary excellence in the works of others and a composition course concentrates on the student’s writing skills, both encompass the entire communication process. Thus the student of English learns to appreciate not only the historical evolution of literary art but also the interrelationship of process, form, and content in composition, thereby becoming both a more perceptive reader and a more proficient writer.

English as a Second Language

Aylett, Carroll, Ferguson, Gorokhova, Poupard

The goal of English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction is to help students succeed in college and at work. To meet the needs of individual students, courses are offered at five proficiency levels, and all language skills are taught: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. Orientation to American culture is integrated into the courses. ESL placement assessment sessions are provided so students know at which level to begin the program.

Ethnic, Gender & Social Justice; Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies

Harpin, Quezada

The Ethnic, Gender, and Social Justice Studies Department houses courses in Chicana/o/x, Black, Native-American, and Womens’ and LGBTQ Studies. All are transferable and count toward GE; tag transfer agreements (CSU) allow students to complete the lower-division requirements for a major or minor in the above disciplines. Certificate of Proficiency for ETHN-115 Introduction to Cultural Competence (Cross-Cultural Competence) proves proficiency in working and communicating in a diverse society.


Contreras, Ennis, Feres, Henry

History is the study of the documented past to acquire understanding into the world’s institutions, ideas, values and creations. The study of history constitutes all aspects of human endeavor including the arts, sciences, technology, economics, politics, war, ideology, culture and society. History also examines the diverse contributions of all gender, socio-economic, racial, ethnic and regional groups in shaping the drama and dynamism of the human experience. From the analysis of historical evidence, students develop the oral, written and critical thinking skills to interpret and communicate the deeper meanings of historical events and people. Studying history also provides the appropriate context for students to grasp the major issues, challenges and conflicts of our present time. This enables more informed debate and discourse in today’s world.

Philosophy and Religious Studies 

Abundez-Guerra, Burke, Yang 

Philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, human values, and logic. In our times, there is a renewed urgency to separate truth from distortion, establish moral truths, and assess proper reasoning. Philosophy strives to meet these needs. Students of philosophy excel at critical thinking, and at critiquing and improving world views and theories within many disciplines. Additionally, philosophy students are well-equipped to enter various careers, as well as graduate school, especially in law and medicine.

Our Religious Studies courses cover Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Additionally, we cater our courses and course availability to student demand. We offer Introduction to the New Testament and expanded course offerings as our enrollment has increased. This subject area assists students to appreciate religion as the powerful force of culture that it is. Additionally, our courses offer invaluable theoretical tools for assessing the ideas of an age witnessing the resurgence of religion and spiritualism.

Political Science

Braunwarth, Crespo, Myers

Political Science courses are designed to help the student understand the political environment in which we live, the political processes for decision making, the vital participatory role of citizens in our democratic political system, and the great political issues of our day.


Bacon, Chafin Arenz, Pak, Ramos, Thukral

As the science of behavior and mental processes, psychology is an academic discipline that emphasizes the study of the individual organism. Standing at the interface between the biological sciences and the social sciences, psychology seeks to investigate such topics as brain and neural functioning, development throughout the life span, sexuality, learning, perception, states of consciousness, memory, cognitive processes, motivation, emotion, personality, abnormal behavior, psychotherapy, and the effects of the group on the individual.


Cardona Gerena, Diaz, Soto

Sociology is the scientific study of human societies and of the behavior in the groups that make up a society. It offers perspectives, tools, data, and concepts that enable the student to creatively, thoughtfully, and systematically investigate the social environment.

Learning and Technology Resources (LTR)

  • Tate Hurvitz, Ph.D.
    • Dean
  • Department Chairperson
    • Library
    • Julie Middlemas
    • Faculty:
    • Farina-Hess, Kalker, Middlemas, Owens, Tethong

Library, Reference Desk, Reserve Textbooks, Interlibrary Loan (ILL), Distance Education, Instructional Media Services,Tutoring Centers, Open Computer Lab, and Instructional Computing Services

The Learning and Technology Resource Center is building 70 and is located in the middle of campus. (See map on the inside of the back cover.) The Center provides a broad range of services that are constantly adapting to students’ changing educational needs and learning styles as well as advances in technology.

The Library occupies the north end of the building (enter from Library entrance). Designed to be both a study environment and a place for relaxation and socializing, it provides easy access to instructional materials along with multiple study carrels, tables, group study rooms, computer stations, laptops, lounge chairs, interactive activities, and a copy center. The Library collections are both print and electronic and provide access to over 100,000 books, periodicals, databases, DVDs and streaming media. The library resources are available on and off campus via the library homepage at  

Librarians provide a variety of information services. At the reference desk located on the 1st floor, librarians guide students in selecting the best resources, and assist students in developing research strategies for papers and reports. The librarians’ aim is to help students become more confident and self-sufficient in their use of information resources. Library Instruction is provided in the Library Instruction Lab (LIL; Room 267) at instructor’s request or via an online tutorial in Canvas. The library also offers information literacy courses.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services include access to books, and articles from colleges and universities throughout the country.

The Reference Desk is located on the 1st floor of the library and provides students and faculty with assistance with a variety of course and college-related questions. This includes support for research questions as well as assistance with login and printing services.

Instructional Media Services provides assistance to faculty with classroom technology, including smart carts, LCD projectors and document cameras. IMS also provides audio-visual support to campus-wide events. Services must be requested at least 2 weeks in advance using the event request form link:

Distance Education is a flexible and convenient opportunity for self-motivated students. Resources are available for students at the Online Success website that helps students determine whether online learning is right for them: Faculty develop a variety of online and hybrid courses which are mainly delivered via the Learning Management System, Canvas.

Instructional Computing Services (ICS) provides support and management of faculty office systems and academic computers and servers campus-wide.

Learning Assistance Centers

Learning Assistance Centers
There are numerous Learning Assistance Centers located throughout the campus. Information on these centers can be found on the website: These centers provide students with various levels of assistance, tutoring and computer access. All students have free access to drop-in tutoring both in person and online.

English Writing & Humanities Center (EWHC) is part of the English Department and is located on the first floor of the Tech Mall. Staff includes English reading and writing skills peer tutors, as well as humanities tutors. The EWHC’s provides tutoring support to all Grossmont College students in reading, writing, and critical thinking for all courses.

Math and Science Center (MSC) is located on the second floor of Building 36. The MSC is a part of the math department and provides walk-in, individual, group, and computer-aided tutoring for all levels of Math as well as many Science courses.

Open Computer Lab (OCL) is located on the 1st floor of the Tech Mall and occupies the center of the south side of the building. This is the largest general use computer lab on campus and supports a number of programs. There are approximately 100 PCs available for students to access word processing applications, subject-specific software, database applications, and computer-aided instructional applications. Printing and scanning are also available.

Math and Sciences

  • Shawn Hicks
    • Dean
  • Department Chairpersons
    • Selene Miles
    • Michele Perchez
      • Biological Sciences
    • Diana Vance
      • Chemistry, Science
    • Judd Curran, Mark Goodman
      • Earth Sciences:
      • Geography, Geology, Oceanography
    • Randy Abshier 
      • Exercise Science and Wellness
    • Jenny Vanden Eynden, Susan Working
      • Mathematics
    • Sebastien Cormier
      • Physical Sciences:
      • Astronomy, Physical Science, Physics
  • Program Coordinator
    • Cheryl Kerns-Campbell
      • Nutrition and Health

The Division of Math and Sciences includes Astronomy, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Exercise Science, Geography, Geology, Health, Mathematics, Oceanography, Physical Science, Physics, and the philosophy of Science. Some courses satisfy general education requirements at Grossmont College and at four-year colleges and universities. In addition, the courses offered fulfill lower division requirements for a variety of majors.

Astronomy, Physical Science, Physics

Blanco, Carter, Cormier, Fitzgerald

The Department of Astronomy, Physical Science, and Physics offers classes suited for a general education in science and for career preparation in math, science, medicine and engineering. Fundamental physical principles are discussed and applied to the universe around us.

ASTR-110 Descriptive Astronomy, ASTR-112 General Astronomy Laboratory, ASTR-120 Exploration of the Solar System, PSC-100 Physical Science for Elementary Education, PSC-110 Introduction to the Physical Sciences, PSC-111 Introduction to Physical Sciences Laboratory, and PHYC-110 Introductory Physics are specifically directed toward the general education of students majoring in fields other than math and science. PSC-100 Physical Science for Elementary Education is designed to prepare students for a career in elementary education. PSC-120 Fundamentals of Scientific Computing (MATLAB) prepares students to perform scientific computation in industry and research.

PHYC-130 Fundamentals of Physics-PHYC-131 Fundamentals of Physics is a two-semester calculus based sequence directed toward students planning careers in biology and medicine. A three-semester calculus based sequence, PHYC-201 Mechanics and Waves-PHYC-202 Electricity, Magnetism, and Heat-PHYC-203 Light, Optics, and Modern Physics, is directed toward students planning for careers in physics and engineering.

In lab classes, students work collaboratively to gain hands-on experience with principles discussed in class.

Biological Sciences

Alagia, Altamero, Holden, Miles, Miller, Perchez, Ripley, Shearer

The Biological Sciences curriculum at Grossmont College has two principal objectives upon which its program is based. The first is general education and the belief that the educated person should have an opportunity to learn characteristics and attributes common to all life, if he/she is to understand his/her own place among living things.

A corollary to this is the increasingly obvious need to develop attitudes which permit people to live in harmony with their environment. Information concerning problems with a biological base, such as the population explosion, pollution, people’s role in maintaining the biosphere, the energy crisis and resources conservation, are examples of general education topics for which biology teachers assume responsibility.

Six courses: BIO-105 Marine Biology, BIO-110 Environmental Biology, BIO-112 Contemporary Issues in Environmental Resources, BIO-114 Heredity, Evolution and Society, BIO-118 Introduction to Human Biology, BIO-120 Principles of Biology, are specifically oriented to general education. Each of these courses satisfies the science requirements for graduation. It is suggested that students majoring in areas other than life science satisfy their graduation requirements by enrolling in BIO-105 Marine Biology, BIO-110 Environmental Biology, BIO-112 Contemporary Issues in Environmental Resources, BIO-114 Heredity, Evolution and Society, BIO-118 Introduction to Human Biology, or BIO-120 Principles of Biology.

The second objective is that of preprofessional training. Courses are offered which are applicable to a variety of major fields in the life sciences ranging from general biology, ecology, forestry or zoology to various health sciences, such as premedicine, nursing, or preveterinary science. Such courses include: BIO-140 Human Anatomy, BIO-141 Human Physiology and BIO-141L Laboratory in Human Physiology, BIO-144 Anatomy and Physiology I and BIO-145 Anatomy and Physiology II, BIO-152 Paramedical Microbiology, BIO-215 Statistics for Life Sciences, BIO-230 Principles of Cellular, Molecular and Evolutionary Biology, and BIO-240 Principles of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology.

Students majoring in a biological or health professions field are advised to check the program requirements of the college to which they plan to transfer for course equivalency or special course requirements at those particular schools. Students should also be cognizant of the prerequisites of preprofessional courses and are encouraged to consult with a Grossmont counselor regarding lower division biology, chemistry, mathematics or physics requirements.


Joshi, Larter, Lehman, Vance

The courses offered by the Chemistry Department give students an appreciation for the depth and breadth of chemistry. We provide separate academic tracks for the transfer student, for those in the Allied Health Programs and for those seeking to fulfill general education requirements. Students are trained to find rational explanations for phenomena, consider relationships among various disciplines, and develop self-reliance in seeking answers. Through this approach students develop a better appreciation and understanding of our world.

Coursework is designed to provide a theoretical as well as a practical education. Students have the opportunity to apply chemistry in a world of rapidly changing technological growth.

Laboratory experiences give students direct, hands-on understanding of Chemistry. In addition, performing experiments allows students to participate in “discovery” learning and hone scientific techniques.

Exercise Science and Wellness, Nutrition and Health

Abshier, Aylward, Caires, Ivers, Jordan, Kelley, Kerns-Campbell, Larsen, Weber

The Exercise Science, Nutrition and Health Department provides a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to optimizing health and preventing chronic disease through diet, physical activity and health-promoting behavior. The department offers a multidisciplinary curriculum centered on the concept that movement skills, intellectual development, physical fitness, healthful living, and dietary practices are elements of life that must be taught and reinforced.  

Courses in Exercise Science explore how physical activity impacts skill acquisition, disease prevention, fitness, and sport. These courses emphasize knowledge, skills, and practice techniques that enable students to improve their physical fitness through sequential progressions in the learning process. 

Health curriculum is approached within two main categories- Personal health and public health. Personal health course topics include exercise, nutrition, stress management, substance abuse, reproductive health and disease prevention. Public health discipline focuses on factors that influence health and disease from a societal-based perspective. Core concepts include epidemiology, infectious disease, environmental health, and healthcare policy along with discussion of public health career opportunities. Both Personal and Public health courses challenge the student to understand the importance of making informed, proactive choices that will directly impact one’s own health as well as that of society.  

Nutrition is the scientific study of food and how it nourishes the body. Coursework in nutrition explores both the art and science of food, from digestion and metabolism to healthy meal patterns throughout the lifespan. The curriculum also covers the influence of culture on dietary practices, the principles of food preparation, diet strategies for optimal sport and athletic performance, and career options within the nutrition and dietetics profession. 

In addition, our department offers nutrition courses for students planning transfer to local colleges with four-year didactic programs in dietetics (DPD). These programs prepare students to become Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs). Note that beginning in 2024, a minimum of a graduate degree will be required to sit for the registration exam to become an RDN.

The Exercise Science, Nutrition and Health Department offers courses to meet the General Education, Associate of Art, and Associate of Arts Transfer degrees. In addition, these courses create a solid foundation for a baccalaureate major in Kinesiology, Health Education, Nutrition, or related fields.


Cliffe, Curran, Goodman, Therkalsen

Geography courses are designed to help the general student understand the physical and cultural world. As a field of knowledge dealing with spatial relations and processes on the earth’s surface, the study of geography leads to an understanding of human distribution over the earth, of the various uses to which we have put different parts of it, of cultures and economies created, and of the spatial interrelations which exist between, and have influenced, these patterns. Thus, geography has a fundamental place in the equipment of an educated person.

The discipline of geography has been traditionally divided into two main categories, the physical elements and the cultural elements. Physical Geography deals with landforms, soil, earth-sun relationships, weather, climate, natural vegetation and natural resources. Cultural Geography deals with populations, languages, religions, race, economics, settlement types and regions. Specialized courses from the physical and cultural elements are also offered.


Cliffe, Teachout

The geology program offers basic instruction in geology and related subsciences (geophysics, physical and historical geology technology). Students are urged to search for rational explanations of physical processes, to realize interdisciplinary approaches involved, to develop means of exploring, understanding, appreciating, enjoying and protecting their environment.

Coursework is designed to provide a liberal as well as a practical education for both majors and nonmajors, to show what geology is and what geologists do, and to impart a degree of skill and ability for understanding current technology.

Laboratory methods and observations in the field augment formal classroom work to enable the student to participate in direct observation, exploration and understanding of geological investigations and techniques.


Capacia, Davis, Funk, Giles, Greenheck, Lee, Lines, Manchester, Millan, Munoz, Palacios, Rawlings, Sundblad, Vanden Eynden, Waller, Working

The Mathematics course offerings have been greatly revamped to capture the spirit of Assembly Bill 705. We now have accelerated pathways for students to complete transfer level math courses within one year of starting school, each one with an accompanying support course if needed or desired. Five transfer-level or “parent” courses exist for four separate pathways: MATH-120 Quantitative Reasoning, MATH-160 Elementary Statistics, MATH-178 Calculus for Business, Social and Behavioral Sciences and MATH-175 College Algebra-STEM or MATH-176 Precalculus: Functions and Graphs-STEM. (The STEM pathway also includes MATH-180 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I and MATH-280 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II along with various second year Math courses for those majoring in Math, Physics, Engineering etc.) The support courses that are paired or linked with the parent course are MATH-020 Foundations for Quantitative Reasoning, MATH-060 Foundations for Elementary Statistics, MATH-078 Foundations for Calculus for Business, Social, & Behavorial Sciences, MATH-075 Foundations for College Algebra and MATH-076 Foundations for Precalculus. These support courses give prerequisite math and study skills that pertain to the parent course. Finally, for those interested in Elementary School Education, we offer three courses, MATH-125 Structure and Concepts of Elementary Mathematics I, MATH-126 Structure and Concepts of Elementary Mathematics II, and MATH-128 Children's Mathematical Thinking.



The faculty of oceanography endeavors to provide a basic course in the principles of physical oceanography that integrates aspects of physics, chemistry, meteorology and geology as they relate to the marine environment. OCEA-112 Introduction to Oceanography is an interdisciplinary course that focuses upon the history and development of oceanography, and the present and future importance of the oceans. OCEA-112 Introduction to Oceanography may be counted towards fulfilling the Area B, Section 2, General Education requirements for graduation from the college.


Science is an interdisciplinary program that fulfills both physical science and critical thinking requirements. The principal course is Introduction to Scientific Thought. This is a course on the methodology, history and philosophy of science. It emphasizes what scientists do and how they think by drawing on the history of physical and biological sciences. The concepts of scientific revolutions, scientific skepticism, experimental design, the ethical implications of scientific discovery, and the impact of the scientific enterprise on the world are covered. Nonscientific and pseudoscientific claims are investigated, with an eye toward critical thinking. The relationship between science and religion is discussed.