Academic Catalog

Anthropology (ANTH)

Cultural Anthropology  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
The nature of culture; cultural growth and history; survey of the range of cultural phenomena including material culture, social organization, kinship systems, religion, language and other topics; systematic study of similarities and differences among cultures through investigation of selected societies. (C-ID ANTH 120) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Introduction to Biological Anthropology  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
People's place in nature; physical and behavioral characteristics of primates; principles of evolution and basic outline of human genetics; description of the record of early humans and explanation of fossils; present day variability among human populations. (C-ID ANTH 110) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-B, CSU-B2, IGETC-5B)
Introduction to Archaeology  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course is an introduction to the field of archaeology; its concepts, theories, data and models that contribute to our knowledge of the human past. The course will provide an introduction to archaeological field methods of survey and excavation; categories of data and dating techniques; analysis; cultural resource management and professional ethics. Major developments in history will be examined using archaeological evidence. The relevance of archaeological research to contemporary society will also be addressed. (C-ID ANTH 150) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Introduction to Cultural Resource Management  3 UNITS  
2.0 hours lecture, 3.0 hours laboratory  
An introduction to cultural resource management. Students will be exposed to archaeological methods, field practices, laws and regulations and learn how to be an effective cultural monitor to ensure the protection and preservation of Kumeyaay resources. Also listed as KUMY 150. Not open to students with credit in KUMY 150. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Introduction to Archaeological Field Work  3 UNITS  
2.0 hours lecture, 3.0 hours laboratory  
This course is an introduction to the basic techniques of archaeological field work. Emphasis is placed on site survey, site layout, excavation, artifact identification, laboratory analysis and report writing. Topics also include use of compass and transit, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Students will be exposed to the techniques of data collection and analysis, cultural reconstruction and interpretation, and cultural resource management work. Through a series of workshops with guest experts on Kumeyaay indigenous knowledge, students will learn about Kumeyaay history, prehistory, traditions, politics, and beliefs while training in archaeological data collection and mapping methods. This course is designed for Anthropology and Kumeyaay Studies majors as well as students interested in prehistoric and/or historic research. Outdoor activities include walking up to 1/2 hour through mild terrain and vegetation. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from off campus sites. Also listed as KUMY 160. Not open to students with credit in KUMY 160. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)