Academic Catalog

Communication (COMM)

Introduction to Mass Communication  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Introduction to mass media practices and influences in the United States (and globally). Topics include current media practices, problems, issues and significant trends with special emphasis on the ways media and society influence and change each other. The history of mass media theories, ethics, roles and responsibilities, contributions of diverse groups, gender issues, and legal rights and restrictions will be explored. Mass media contexts will include news advertising, public relations, photojournalism, newspapers, radio, television, film, recording industry, book publishing, network/cable and online communication. (C-ID JOUR 100) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Interpersonal Communication  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course provides an opportunity to learn and apply in daily life principles of interpersonal communication, effective rhetorical strategies, and public speaking skills. Students present speeches and participate in structured oral and written exercises and simulations; these activities are designed to enhance communicative awareness and skills in interpersonal contexts. Emphasis is on personal, situational and cultural influences on interaction. It is designed to assist students in improving their own interpersonal and oral communication skills. Attention is given to rhetorical strategies, human perception, interpersonal dynamics, listening, conflict management, verbal and nonverbal communication skills including delivery of speeches in front of listeners. (C-ID COMM 130) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-A2, CSU-A1, IGETC-1C)
Public Speaking  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course provides an opportunity to learn and practice public speaking to a live audience. Special attention will be given to learning how to prepare, organize and deliver a speech to a diverse audience, while demonstrating rhetorical sensitivity to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Additionally, students will employ effective verbal and nonverbal practices while delivering a speech. Students will utilize presentation aids, enhance listening skills, and ethically obtain and present speech content. An introduction to rhetorical theory is included. (C-ID COMM 110) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-A2, CSU-A1, IGETC-1C)
Advanced Public Speaking  3 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in COMM 122 or equivalent  
3.0 hours lecture  
Advanced training in the preparation and delivery of common types of public speaking. There is an emphasis on new theoretical approaches to the process of oral communication. (CSU/UC)
Intercultural Communication  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
The purpose of this course is to explore and learn about intercultural communication: the study of face-to-face communication between people from different cultural backgrounds, including those reflecting national or ethnic diversity. This course will utilize a culture-general approach, meaning that the focus will be on general principles of intercultural communication that are applicable across a broad spectrum of cultures and contexts. (C-ID COMM 150) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Critical Thinking in Group Communication  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course is designed to assist students in the development of critical thinking and decision making skills in the small group communication context. There is an emphasis on the basic elements of critical thinking such as evidence, reasoning and language. Students will become familiar with leadership strategies, problem solving techniques, discussion plans, and conflict management as applicable in groups. (C-ID COMM 140) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-A2, CSU-A3)
Argumentation  3 UNITS  
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in English 120 or ESL 122 or equivalent  
3.0 hours lecture  
Study of the construction and analysis of public argument. Covers the theory of argument, the processes and development of arguments, and the application of argument to decision making. Topics include: methods of critical inquiry and advocacy; identifying fallacies in reasoning and language; the process of inquiry-driven research; testing evidence and evidence sources; advancing a reasoned position; and defending and refuting arguments. Analysis, presentation, and evaluation of oral and written arguments are emphasized. (C-ID COMM 120) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-A2, CSU-A3)