Academic Catalog

Humanities (HUM)

Principles of the Humanities  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Humanities of the world explored through film and television, music, dance, graphic novels, writing, photography, handicrafts (i.e. weaving, pottery, quilting, etc.), architecture, food, philosophy, etc. Focus will be on the forms of cultural expression produced by a variety of diverse artists and on the context in which they were produced; will include present-day creative forms of expression. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C1,C2, IGETC-3B)
Culture, Art & Ideas of the United States  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Humanities of the United States explored through film and television, music, dance, graphic novels, writing, photography, handicrafts (i.e. weaving, pottery, quilting, etc.), architecture, food, philosophy, and social institutions. Focus will be on the experiences and contributions of African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinas/os/x, Native Americans, and Middle Eastern Americans, with an emphasis on discrimination, social stratification, intersectionality, resistance, and liberation movements. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B)
Arts & Culture of San Diego  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
In this course students will explore San Diego's diverse history, art, and culture through the study of murals, architecture, sculpture, music, film, photography, literature, theater, significant cultural and historical sites, and more, as well as how these connect to the broader context of world culture. Trips to various cultural sites are a required component of this class, for example: Chicano Park, Sycuan Cultural Resource Center and Museum, Balboa Park, Centro Cultural de la Raza, Old Globe Theatre, WorldBeat Cultural Center, San Diego Museum of Art, Copley Symphony Hall, Gaslamp District, etc. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B)
Kumeyaay Arts and Culture I  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course is a seasonal survey of arts and culture of the Kumeyaay Nation in what is now commonly known as San Diego and Imperial Counties and Baja California. Students will study Kumeyaay songs and stories, dance, games, pottery, philosophy, spiritual beliefs and traditions, and the various uses of winter and spring plant resources. Guest lectures by Kumeyaay experts will be integrated into the course. Field trips to various cultural sites and events are a required component of this class. Also listed as KUMY 116. Not open to students with credit in KUMY 116. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B)
Kumeyaay Arts and Culture II  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
This course is a seasonal survey of arts and culture of the Kumeyaay Nation in what is now commonly known as San Diego and Imperial Counties and Baja California. Students will study Kumeyaay uses of summer and fall plant resources, and participate in the harvest and construction of Tule boats, e`waa house, hunting and fishing tools, various types of baskets, and clothing and jewelry. Guest lectures by Kumeyaay experts will be integrated into the course. Field trips to various cultural sites and events are a required component of this class. Also listed as KUMY 117. Not open to students with credit in KUMY 117. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B)
Introduction to Kumeyaay Basketry & Pottery  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
An introductory course to teach the traditional Kumeyaay process of creating juncus baskets and pottery. Students will learn gathering, material processing, and the cultural importance and uses of various basketry patterns and pottery styles and types. Field trips to various cultural sites for gathering purposes are a required component of this class. Also listed as KUMY 118. Not open to students with credit in KUMY 118. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C)
Humanities of the Americas  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Integrated exploration of broadly representative examples of literature, philosophy, drama, music, visual art and architecture of the Americas-the geographical scope of which will include the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, and Latin America. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C1,C2, IGETC-3B)
World Mythology through the Humanities  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Exploration of world mythologies through broader consideration of their place within the humanities. Students will examine a variety of myths, legends, folklore, and fairy tales, as well as relevant themes, symbols, archetypes, etc. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-C, CSU-C2, IGETC-3B)
Academic and Career Opportunities in History & Humanities  1 UNITS  
1.0 hours lecture  
This class provides students with an overview of career options in the fields of history and humanities and will provide opportunities to determine career interest and to develop career-related resources that will help them be successful in the workplace. Students will identify career-related strengths and interests while learning about career options in history, humanities, and related fields. Recommended after completion of fifteen (15) units. Pass/ No Pass only. Also listed as HIST 193. Not open to students with credit in HIST 193. (CSU)
Internships in Humanities  1 UNITS  
This class provides students an opportunity to explore options and careers related to the field of humanities while gaining valuable work experience and expanding their citizenship consciousness. This course includes placement in a community-based organization related to art, music, dance, theater, etc.; museum; historical site or organization; archive; research library; or with K-12 art/music/literature/history/theater students. Occupational cooperative work experience credit may accrue at the rate of one to eight units per semester for a total of sixteen units, and students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit earned. May be taken for a maximum of 12 units. (CSU)