Academic Catalog

Services for Students

Associated Student Government of Cuyamaca College (ASGCC)

Cuyamaca College supports the organization of students known as the Associated Student Government of Cuyamaca College (ASGCC). The association promotes the following objectives:

  • To serve as an active student voice in the operation of the college, including both shared governance and the management of student activities.
  • To provide an opportunity for leadership experience and training for students.
  • To enhance, wherever possible, the general excellence of the college, uniting the interests of all persons–students, faculty, administration, staff and the local community.

Associated Student Government (ASG) Shared Governance

Since virtually all major decisions made at Cuyamaca College affect students in some way, student input to the various decision-making bodies is relevant, necessary and welcomed. ASGCC has adopted a constitution which established an organized student voice at Cuyamaca College. This voice is facilitated by the ASGCC and is a critical constituency among the college governance structure.

Associated Student Government meetings are held weekly; dates and times are posted on the ASGCC bulletin board. For more information, please call (619) 660-4612. All members of the college community are welcome to attend. Additional information regarding student government is available in the ASGCC Office and the Student Affairs Office.

Associated Student Government Services and Activities

With the support of the student body, the ASGCC plans, organizes, promotes, sponsors and finances a comprehensive program of activities and services for all Cuyamaca College students. The activities program is organized to achieve the following objectives:

  • To provide opportunities for the development of the social and cultural interests of the entire college community.
  • To afford avenues for the enrichment of each individual’s life through sharing and enjoying a group spirit of mutual responsibility, leadership and creativity.
  • To promote college spirit and community awareness. The variety of departments, clubs and facilities permits a student to experience a broad spectrum of interest, including but not limited to, music, art, drama, sports, ecology, community service and business.

Student Affairs Office

The Dean of Student Affairs acts in an advisory role to the Associated Student Government of Cuyamaca College. Opportunities are provided for students to organize, meet, and work together to extend their academic learning process through campus involvement and participation. By providing this educational culture, the Student Affairs Office helps foster the intellectual, social, and emotional growth of the campus community.

Facilitating student complaints and grievances in compliance with District policies and helping students learn about college policies and procedures is a major component of this office.

In addition, overseeing ASGCC and Student Trustee elections and the yearly commencement ceremonies are some of the primary responsibilities of this office.

Students interested in obtaining club charters and ASGCC candidate petitions should come to the Student Affairs Office which is located in I-121.

Student Benefit “Coyote” Sticker

A Student Benefit “Coyote” Sticker may be purchased for $12. This card entitles a student to free admission to all college-sponsored athletic events, as well as special college and community discounts.

The Student Benefit “Coyote” Sticker not only benefits students, it also helps the ASGCC to support various activities and programs on campus.

For additional information, please contact the Associated Student Government Office at (619) 660-4612.

Honor Society/Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is a national community college honors organization reflecting the hallmarks of scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship. The programs of the Society are designed to give the members opportunities for personal growth in all areas, encouraging the more balanced individual. The organization was created in 1918. Cuyamaca College has an honor society chapter, Alpha Pi Omicron. The requirements for admission as a provisional member are:

  • Academic excellence as defined by a GPA of 3.5 or better,
  • Must have completed a minimum of twelve semester units at Cuyamaca College that qualify for an Associate Degree program, and
  • Each prospective student must be invited to join, and pay a non-refundable administration processing fee to the national organization of $100 at the time of joining. EOPS and CalWORKs students may have their registration fees waived.

College Student Organizations/Clubs

Cuyamaca College offers a wide spectrum of special interest and program-related clubs for student participation.

Information on how to organize a new club or join an existing one is available in the Student Affairs Office. College clubs include Art, Automotive, Phi Theta Kappa, Engineering and many others from which to choose.

An Inter-Club Council, consisting of representatives from each college club on campus, exists to coordinate events and activities and share ideas.

In accordance with Sections 76035, 32050 and 32051 of the Education Code of the State of California, the Governing Board of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District has ruled that secret fraternities, sororities or clubs may not be formed. Moreover, Section 32051 of the Education Code forbids the practice of hazing by organizations or individuals either on or off the Cuyamaca College campus.

Cultural Activities

As part of the educational offering, Cuyamaca College presents a year-long series of cultural events. Among the presentations are lectures by persons of note in the political and science disciplines, artists in the fields of music and dance, art festivals, film series, and other events that add variety to the intellectual and cultural life of the college community. These include both day and evening programs which are open to students and the general public.

A selected day each month serves as “College Hour,” when college-wide and specialized activities are held as enriching experiences outside of classroom academic life.


Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Inc., the world’s largest bookseller, manages the Cuyamaca College Bookstore. The bookstore carries all required textbooks and supplies, as well as Cuyamaca College emblematic giftware and clothing. A portion of the revenues generated by the bookstore is paid to the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District and reallocated for the improvement and expansion of college programs. All Cuyamaca textbook sales will be facilitated online at, with branded merchandise and other supplies still available for purchase at the on-campus bookstore located in the Student Center. 


The CalWORKs (California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids) S.T.E.P.S. (Success Through Education Produces Self-Sufficiency) Program helps students who receive family cash assistance fulfill their Welfare-to-Work program requirements and provides additional support services. Eligible students receive assistance with arranging subsidized child care, obtaining necessary textbooks and supplies, and providing on-campus, paid work study. The CalWORKs counselors work with each student to develop an education plan that leads to self-sufficiency. In addition to providing counseling services, counselors help students access campus and community resources.

If you are a current Welfare-to-Work participant, or believe that you may be eligible for family cash aid, contact the CalWORKs S.T.E.P.S. office in the Student Services Bldg G-300 at (619) 660-4340. Let us be your liaison with the County CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work staff.

CalWORKs Mission Statement

To empower CalWORKs parenting students in achieving their educational and career goals and to promote success and equity two generations at a time.  

Career Center

The Career Center provides career and employment development services to all students, staff, faculty and community members through career exploration, career assessment, goal setting, and up-to-date labor market information. Information regarding various careers is available through the Center’s printed and electronic resources, workshops, career fairs, and individual appointments. Career assessments are available to help students explore their interests, skills, work values, and personality types as an aid in making career decisions, while career readiness workshops are offered throughout the year to assist students to learn the basic set of competencies upon which a successful career is launched. The Center also offers computerized occupational information on local, state, and national trends, salaries, and desirable skills for various jobs and industries - including priority sectors in San Diego. The Career Center assists students with developing employment skills such as crafting resumes, preparing for interviews, job searching, and soft skills.  A computer lab with internet access is available for career research, job search, and resume/cover letter writing. The Career Center is located in office I -223 on the second level of the Student Center.

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center serves children of students, faculty, staff, and community families. The program philosophy reflects a caring community of learners, centered on a partnership of families, children, and teaching staff, with respect and value for each participant. The Center is an integral component of the Child Development Program and serves as the campus laboratory school, providing mentoring and support for our Child Development students as they prepare to become early childhood educators. Under the supervision and direction of Child Development faculty and Center staff, students from many academic programs complete observations and assignments in the lab setting. The Center coordinates programs with different agencies to provide model educational experiences for both children and Child Development students, such as the Intergenerational Garden. The Center is open year round, following the college schedule for closures. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Center accepts children from 18 months to 5 years old (pre-kindergarten). For more information, call (619) 660-4660.

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

CARE is a state-funded program designed to recruit and assist single parent students who are EOPS eligible. CARE eligibility requires that the student or their dependent child be a current recipient of CalWORKs/TANF, and the student must have one child under the age of 14.

CARE provides support services and possible grant funds. The CARE counselor works with each student to promote academic success and assist students in attaining their career and vocational goals. For more information contact the CARE program in the EOPS office located in Bldg G-300, or call (619) 660-4293. Visit us at our website at


The Cuyamaca College Counseling Department is committed to promoting equity and success using student-centered approaches that empower students to make informed decisions affecting educational, career and personal goals. All departments offer counseling online. All counseling services are available in-person and online. We are located in G-200 of the Student Services Building. Learn more about our services at

Academic Counseling

Planning is an important step in achieving academic success. All students are encouraged to meet with a Counselor to develop a comprehensive educational plan.

Career Counseling

The Counseling Department, in conjunction with the Career Center, specializes in assisting students in choosing a college, a particular major and/or career goal.

Transfer Planning & Advising

The Counseling Department, in conjunction with the Transfer Center, provides the most current information to assist in the smooth transition to four-year colleges and universities.

Personal Counseling

The Counseling Center is staffed with Counselors who offer individual counseling for students who are dealing with personal and interpersonal challenges that impinge upon their academic success.

Counseling Courses

Cuyamaca College offers a number of counseling courses (taught by Counselors) to benefit students. For a complete listing of courses, see the Course Description section of the catalog.

Cuyamaca Cares

In keeping with AB 801, AB 1747, AB 1995, Cuyamaca College has established the Cuyamaca Cares program to assist students in transition. As part of this program, verified homeless youth students enrolled at Cuyamaca College or Grossmont College may be eligible for the following:

  • Priority enrollment (Group 1)
  • California College Promise Grant fee waiver, which waives the $46/unit enrollment fee
  • Use of Shower Facilities
    Cuyamaca College offers showers to all current Cuyamaca students in the locker rooms located in the Athletics Department Gym (Building D). You do not have to be an athlete to use the showers. To use the showers, please check-in with the Athletics front desk in room D-301. Lockers are available in the locker room to secure your belongings while you shower. Hours of operation: Monday – Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm.
  • Food Pantries
    Please visit the Cuyamaca Cares web page for information on food pantries:

For more information, students can contact:

Cuyamaca Rising Scholars

Cuyamaca College is resolved to facilitate the successful navigation of formerly incarcerated students through the admissions, registration, financial aid, and other processes at the college. The Cuyamaca Rising Scholars Program provides college support services for students who are justice-involved, formerly incarcerated, on probation, or who have parole supervision.  The Rising Scholars Program offers:

  • Priority Registration
  • Mentorship
  • Rising Scholars Virtual Community Group
  • Enrollment Support
  • Laptop and hotspot rentals for the semester
  • Tutoring
  • Transfer Guidance
  • Referrals to campus support services and community resources
  • Specialized Counseling
  • Career Exploration
  • Job Readiness

In order to obtain the resources and support services needed to achieve academic and career goals, interested students should visit the Rising Scholars website at

Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS)

Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS) provides support services to students with disabilities to enhance their opportunities to experience educational success.

Students who have a verifiable disability and require access to support and assist with their educational needs such as disability management, academic counseling, assistance with application to the college, registration assistance, priority registration, assistive technology, alternate media, specialized equipment, preferential seating, extended time for exams/quizzes with test proctor, ASL interpreters and closed captioning, note-taking, and speech-language assessment/intervention.

The college recognizes the need to accommodate students with documented disabilities to the greatest extent possible while supporting the student’s course of study and the integrity of the student’s degree. Contact the Main DSPS Office-G238 for further information at (619) 660-4239, Video phone (619) 567-4275 email: Contact for the High Tech Center room C-114 (619) 660-4299 email: Contact for the Test Proctor room C-114 (619) 660-4577

Questions regarding accessibility, Sections 504 and 508, Americans with Disabilities Act, Title 5 regulations, addressed with DSPS personnel.

Note: Affiliation with DSPS is not mandatory in order to receive Authorized Academic Adjustments. It is the student’s responsibility to share their Authorized Academic Adjustments with Instructors. For more information, contact the college ADA-504 Coordinator.

District Public Safety

The District provides for public safety, police services to the college community and their property on college grounds, facilities, and parking lots through the contract with the San Diego Sheriff’s Department.

Sheriff’s deputies assigned to the two campuses of the district are sworn officers in compliance with the California Education Code and the California Penal Code. They have the same full law enforcement powers and responsibilities as local police and sheriff’s deputies in your home community.

The San Diego Sheriff’s Department has established Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with local law enforcement agencies in whose jurisdictions the two colleges are located. The San Diego Sheriff’s Department has primary operational responsibility for law enforcement and investigative services on college district property, with the assurance that local law enforcement agencies can be called for assistance and mutual aid as appropriate. Copies of these agreements are available to the public at the San Diego Sheriff’s headquarters at 9621 Ridgehaven Court, San Diego, CA 92123.

Emergency Call Boxes and Locations

Emergencies and requests for motorist assistance can be reported to the District Police at (619) 644-7654 or by using one of the Call Boxes located in each parking lot and inside all campus elevators.

Public Safety Contact Information

Call 911 in an emergency

  • Life-threatening situation
  • Medical emergency
  • Missing persons
  • Crime in progress
  • Fire
  • Major disturbance

Call (619) 644-7800 to contact law enforcement for a nonemergency

  • Crime report
  • Suspected suspicious activity

District Property

District property may not be removed from the campus without prior written authorization from the Division Dean or area supervisor. Unauthorized removal of district property from the campus is a violation of the law and violators may face prosecution.

Crime Prevention

It is the goal of the Sheriff’s Department to inform students and staff in a timely manner of any criminal activity or security problem that may pose a reasonable threat to their safety. Information will be provided to students, faculty and staff through several district notification systems (District phones, classroom emergency phones, District Mass Notification system, and District email).

Individuals who need to be on campus other than during regular scheduled work hours must secure authorization from the department chairperson or supervisor prior to their arrival. Campus and Parking Services (CAPS) should also be notified of their presence. Many campus rooms and areas are protected by intrusion alarms, so before entering these areas, CAPS should be contacted. It is the responsibility of those using rooms, offices or other areas to lock access doors, turn off lights and close all windows. Facilities Services staff and CAPS specialists will check many campus areas during off-hours, but the primary responsibility for security lies with the user.

Crime Statistics

The Clery Act requires that institutions disclose statistics for offenses committed in certain geographic locations associated with the institution. A crime should be included in the annual security report only if it occurred in one of the following locations: on campus, in or on a non-campus building or property, or on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. All crimes, including hate crimes, must be disclosed by geographic location.

The daily crime log is available at the Campus and Parking Service office at (619) 644-7654.

On Campus: Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution’s educational purposes.

On Public Property: All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

Non-campus Building or Property: The District does not own or control any site off campus.

Smoke Free Campus

In accordance with Board Policy 3570, Cuyamaca College is a smoke-free/tobacco-free facility. Violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary penalties for both students and employees. Any District public safety official may warn or cite any person who is in violation of this policy.

Pets on District Property

Unless animals are involved in the instructional process, all District property is closed to dogs and other pets, with the exception of guide dogs for the visually impaired and disabled.

Police Services Complaint Procedure

The Sheriff’s Department realizes it must be responsive to all persons in the community. If you are not satisfied with the performance of any members of the Department, we need to know the specifics. The District and the Sheriff’s Department pledge to respond swiftly, thoroughly, and fairly to all reports of unsatisfactory service. To file a written complaint, go to the District Public Safety Office at either campus. Besides completing a written report, you are also encouraged to personally discuss the situation with a Sheriff’s Supervisor at (619) 644-7654 or x7654.

Lost & Found

Lost and Found items should be returned to CAPS. To check if an item has been turned in, call (619) 644-7654 or stop by CAPS.

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

The EOPS Program at Cuyamaca College is designed to recruit, inform and assist students who have been identified as economically and educationally disadvantaged. Eligible students are assisted by qualified counselors who provide the necessary academic and personal support services to enable them to succeed at Cuyamaca College. Services may include, but are not limited to, personal and academic counseling, transfer advising, peer advising and advocacy, financial assistance in the form of book grants, orientations, seminars, and courses for student success.

The EOPS office is located in the Student Services Bldg G-300. You may contact us at (619) 660-4204 or visit our website at

Unlimited Potential! (UP!) Program

The UP! Program, sponsored by EOPS and Financial Aid, is designed to assist students who have been in foster care or legal guardianships, as well as students who are unaccompanied homeless youth, age 17 to 26. Students may receive EOPS and/or CARE services as well as counseling case management, personalized financial aid assistance, resource referrals, mentoring, life skills workshops, and cohort building events and orientations.

The program is located within the EOPS office in the Student Services Bldg G-300. You may contact us at (619) 660-4204 or visit our website at

Financial Aid

Purpose of Financial Aid

The purpose of financial aid is to help students who might not otherwise be able to attend school. Although the primary responsibility for meeting college costs rests with the student and/or his or her family, it is recognized that many families have limited resources and are unable to meet the cost of post-secondary education. For this reason, financial aid programs have been established to provide assistance to students with documented financial need. Financial need exists when the cost of education exceeds the resources available to a student. The cost of education includes fees, books and supplies, food and housing, personal expenses and transportation. Student earnings from employment, as well as savings, veterans benefits, and/or expected contributions from parents’ income and assets, are some examples of the resources considered available to a student for the cost of education.

Financial need is determined by the information provided by applicants on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act application (CADAA). Cuyamaca College will attempt to meet the need by offering assistance through the financial aid programs available.

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Promise Program

Free college for qualified students! Promise Program Requirements:

  • Be a California resident, or eligible AB540 nonresident.
  • Enroll full-time (at least 12 units)
  • Disability students may contact Disability Services at Grossmont College or Cuyamaca College regarding qualifying for a reduced course load of 6 units.
  • Submit a Financial Aid Application
  • Fill out a FAFSA (U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens) or CA Dream Act (Eligible nonresident students)

Go to Grossmont-Cuyamaca College Promise ( to find out how!

Financial Aid Programs


California College Promise Grant (formerly the Board of Governor’s fee waiver)

The promise grant is a state program that waives the enrollment fee for students who are residents of California (or are eligible under AB540 or AB 1899) and have financial need. Students will be considered for a promise grant as part of the financial aid application process and may apply by completing a financial aid application (FAFSA or California Dream Act application). Please note that refunds are not retroactive to a prior semester.

Minimum Requirements for Maximum Success

Once you’ve qualified for the fee waiver, it’s important to ensure that you’re meeting the academic and progress standards in order to avoid losing the fee waiver.

Academic – Sustain a GPA of 2.0 or Higher

If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.

Progress – Complete at Least 50% of Your Coursework

If the cumulative number of courses you successfully complete falls below 50% in two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver.

Combination of Academic and Progress Standards

Any combination of two consecutive terms of cumulative GPA below 2.0, and/or cumulative course completion less than 50% may result in loss of fee waiver eligibility.

How to Regain Eligibility

If you lose eligibility for the fee waiver, there are a few ways that you can have it reinstated:

  • Improve your GPA or Course Completion measures to meet the academic and progress standards.
  • Successful appeal regarding extenuating circumstances.
  • Not attending your school district for two consecutive primary terms.

The appeals process for extenuating circumstances includes:

  • Verified accidents, illness or other circumstances beyond your control
  • Changes in economic situation
  • Evidence of inability to obtain essential support services
  • Special consideration factors for CalWORKs, EOPS, DSPS.
  • Disability accommodations not received in a timely manner.

Students appeal through the Admissions & Records Office.

Please note that foster youth and former foster youth (age 24 years and younger) are not subject to loss of the fee waiver under these regulations.

Bureau of Indian Education: The BIE’s mission “is to provide quality education opportunities from early childhood through life in accordance with a tribe’s needs for cultural and economic well-being, in keeping with the wide diversity of Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages as distinct cultural and governmental entities.” The Bureau of Indian Education has established links to various scholarships to be used by qualified Native Americans students. The American Indian scholarships can be found on the BIE website Individual grants and scholarships are awarded based on the specific requirements outlined by each nation, tribe, and Alaskan Village. The educational department of each nation, tribe, or Alaskan Village can assist students in applying for grant and scholarship. To receive financial assistance most nations, tribes, and Alaskan Villages require that their students complete the FAFSA as well as any other forms required by individual financial aid departments. In addition, each nation, tribe, and Alaskan Villages will determine blood requirements to be considered for new membership in the individual nations, tribes, or Alaskan Villages.

Cal Grants: There are three types of Cal Grants, administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). These grants are for California residents and other qualified non-residents who will be attending a California college or university. To apply for Cal Grant A, B and C, submit a FAFSA or California Dream Act application and a GPA Verification form postmarked by March 2, prior to the academic year. For more information on Cal Grants visit For GPA verification, once a student has completed 16 degree applicable units, the Cuyamaca College Admissions and Records Office will automatically send the GPA to CSAC.

Cal Grant Community College Deadline: Community college students who miss the March 2 priority deadline may continue to apply for a limited number of special community college Cal Grants (A or B) until September 2. Students must list a California community college on their FAFSA or California Dream Act application and submit the FAFSA and a GPA Verification form postmarked by September 2. For GPA verification, once a student has completed 16 degree applicable units, the Cuyamaca College Admissions and Records Office will automatically send the GPA to CSAC.

Cal Grant A: Cal Grant A is an entitlement or a competitive grant administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). It is targeted toward students with high GPAs and moderate income. This grant pays for tuition at tuition charging institutions. Most students are not eligible to receive funding while enrolled at a community college. Community college students have their grants put on “community college reserve” for up to three years. Once the students transfer to a tuition charging institution, their grant will be activated. Students who have one or more dependent children age 17 or younger that they support can receive funding at community colleges for the living allowance.

Cal Grant B: Cal Grant B is an entitlement or a competitive grant. It provides a living allowance for low-income student and tuition payment for students’ second through fourth year of study at tuition charging institutions. For the current academic year maximum amount for the living allowance see the California Student Aid Commission’s website at

Cal Grant C: Cal Grant C is a competitive grant for vocational students who are enrolled in programs from nine months to two years in length. For the current academic year maximum amount for a book stipend see the California Student Aid Commission’s website at

Student Success Completion Grant: A need-based financial aid program available for Cal Grant B and C recipients attending a California Community college to encourage accelerated completion of the student’s educational goal by encouraging full time enrollment. The SSCG award is $1298 for enrollment of 12-14.5 units per semester. The SSCG award is $4000 for enrollment of 15 or more units. Funding is limited. The program is funded by the State of California and administered by the State Chancellor’s Office.

Chafee Grant: The California Chafee Grant program is available for current or former foster youth to use for career and technical training or college courses. The maximum grant amount is $5,000 per year. Students must be enrolled in six or more units each semester to be eligible. For questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (619) 660-4291 or the EOPS Office at (619) 660-4293 or go to

Federal Work Study (FWS): FWS is a federally-funded program which gives students the opportunity to earn part or all of their financial need by working on campus while in school. Jobs available include teacher’s aide, clerk, groundsperson, custodian and lab assistant. The student’s wage will be based on the current student hourly wage schedule at time of employment, level of service, education, training and experience.

Federal Pell Grant: The Federal Pell Grant is available for undergraduate study until students receive their first bachelor’s degree to a maximum of six years of full time study. Federal Pell Grants range per academic year depending upon the "Student Aid Index"(as determined by the federal government), the cost of attendance and the student's enrollment status. Amounts subject to change based on eligibility. Undergraduate students who have submitted a valid Student Aid Report (SAR) may qualify for the Federal Pell Grant.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): FSEOG is a federal grant program for undergraduate students who have “exceptional need” and who have not received a bachelor’s degree. First priority will be given to students enrolled full-time with a Student Aid Index of 900 or below. Generally, the maximum FSEOG award at Cuyamaca College will be $500 per academic year.


Scholarships are an untapped fund that is available throughout the year. Learn how to effectively search and apply for scholarships. Learn how you are the key to your own success when searching and applying for scholarships. Apply for Cuyamaca College scholarships online using the Cuyamaca College AcademicWorks scholarship application on our scholarship website. For additional scholarship information, go to (


William D. Ford Direct Loan: The Direct Loan is a low-interest loan made to the student by the federal government to help the student pay for his or her education. The interest rate is fixed. Grade level one students may borrow a base amount of $3500 (subsidized and/or unsubsidized) per academic year. Grade level two students may borrow a base amount of $4500 (subsidized and/or unsubsidized) per academic year. Additional unsubsidized amounts may also be available. Total borrowing for dependent students may not exceed $31,000 for all undergraduate study. To apply for a Direct Loan, a student must first apply for federal financial aid via the FAFSA.

Subsidized Direct Loan: These loans are available to students who demonstrate financial need. Students who are eligible to apply for a subsidized Direct Loan based upon need qualify to have the federal government pay the interest on their loan while they are in school.

Unsubsidized Direct Loan: These loans are available to students who do not qualify for need-based financial aid. Students are responsible for monthly interest payments (or capitalization of interest) from the date the loan is disbursed.

Other Sources of Funds

Other assistance programs are available for students through government agencies such as the County Department of Social Services, Social Security Administration and Veterans Administration. 

Please check with the Career and Student Employment Center regarding job announcements. The Center is located in I-223 in the Student Center.

Withdrawals and Repayment of Financial Aid Funds

Students receiving federal financial aid who withdraw from all of their classes during the first 60% of a term may be required to repay a portion of the federal grants that they have received. This is because a student must “earn” his/her financial aid. Financial aid is “earned” for each day you are enrolled in the semester.

For example, if a semester starts on August 21 and you withdraw from all of your classes on October 23, you will have “earned” 63 days worth of financial aid eligibility. The amount you have to repay will depend on the number of days you were enrolled compared to the number of days in the semester. For example, if there are 121 days in the semester, you would have only earned 52% of the aid you received (63 days/121 days in the term = 52%). If you had received a $1,500 Pell Grant award for the semester, you would have only earned $780 of the Pell Grant ($1,500 x 52% = $780). Because you have received $720 more financial aid than you “earned” ($1,500 - $780 = $720), you will be required to repay half of the amount you did not earn. The amount you would be required to pay back in this case would be no more than $360.

Please note: If you fail all of your classes in a term, you will have only earned 50% of the Pell and/or SEOG that you received and you will be billed for the amount you did not earn. This rule applies even if you were enrolled in classes for the whole term.

If you are required to repay funds to the federal government, you will be billed and have 45 days to repay the funds in full or to set up a repayment schedule. You will be ineligible for any further financial aid at any college in the United States until you have repaid the funds in full or you have set up a repayment schedule and make repayments according to the repayment schedule.


Cuyamaca College has a diverse student population which means that people have different economic lifestyles and obligations. The budgets used by the Financial Aid Office are expressions of average costs for the student population; they are intended to provide sufficient funds for most students in most circumstances. These budgets are not and cannot be intended to meet each person’s full financial responsibilities. For a student who comes to Cuyamaca College relatively free of past obligations, these budgets should provide a sufficient economic base for a student to survive financially and attend school.

Since one purpose of the budget is to fairly distribute the available dollars among all eligible students, it is impossible to take into account all of the situations in which people find themselves or all of the consumer choices they make. People make their own budget decisions about what is most important to them. They may choose to share a low-rent apartment in order to have a car, or they may choose to live alone within biking distance of the campus. The choices are there for each individual.

The following budgets1 for the 2024-25 academic year are based on enrollment of six (6) or more units at Cuyamaca College:

Housing Status Living with parent(s) Living away from parent(s)
Fees1 $1,346 $1,346
Books and Supplies $1,062 $1,062
Food and Housing $11,494 $22,086
Personal Expenses $4,060 $4,968
Transportation $1,962 $1,962
Total $19,924 $31,424

Amounts subject to change. Contact the Financial Aid Office or go to for current budget amounts.

For disabled students, additional allowances may be made for documented special costs that are educationally related but not covered by other assisting agencies. For the current academic year budget, please check with the Financial Aid Office.

Contact the Financial Aid Office, located in the Student Services Building G, for further information regarding eligibility, programs available, applications or other information.

Health & Wellness Center

To promote the health and well-being of students, the Health & Wellness Center is maintained by a registered nurse who evaluates, educates and cares for the health needs of Cuyamaca College students and staff. Services are available on a confidential basis and include:

  • health screenings (body composition analysis and blood pressure);
  • tuberculosis clearance risk assessment and testing;
  • basic first-aid and illness/injury assessments; and
  • referrals to community health resources.

The Health & Wellness Center is also a health education resource providing up-to-date information on topics related to stress management, nutrition, exercise, sexual assault prevention, substance abuse, birth control, communicable disease control and prevention, and more. Students are encouraged to visit the Health & Wellness Center website ( to explore the resources available. Short-term personal counseling is also available, which offers students the opportunity to improve their well-being by discussing, processing, and working through challenges in their life with trained counselors. For personal counseling appointments, email, eSARS ( on the personal counseling website, or call (619) 660-4200. Students can submit a question to a personal counselor or a nurse via eAdvising ( located on the Health Services and Personal Counseling websites ( Students can submit a question to a Registered Nurse via the Student Portal here: The mandatory health fee which supports these services also provides for insurance coverage should a student be injured during a supervised, on-campus or school-related activity. Insurance forms are available at the Health and Wellness Center. Students that depend exclusively upon prayer for healing according to the teaching of a bona fide religious sect, denomination or organization may petition for an exemption from the health fee by submitting a written request to the Student Affairs Office. Please contact the Health Center at (619) 660-4200.

High School and Community Relations (Outreach)

The overall mission of High School and Community Relations is to facilitate equitable access and student success by providing community members, prospective students, and current students with useful information regarding college pathways and informing them of the college’s programs and services, while encouraging, guiding, and empowering students to pursue higher education. High School and Community Relations, also known as Outreach, is a primary point of access to the institution. Outreach provides comprehensive contact information and general descriptions for many aspects of the institution. The Outreach Department meets the introductory informational needs of the campus community: students, faculty members, staff, prospective students and their family members, and general visitors.

Specific services provided by the Outreach staff include distribution of printed information about the college and its programs, visits to schools for career fairs, college nights, peer advising, interactive presentations, and conducting enrollment workshops at local high schools. Tours of the college campus are also provided.

Outreach invites all prospective students and interested members of the community to take advantage of the programs and services offered. Please contact the High School and Community Relations (Outreach) office, located in G-100 or call (619) 660-4264,

Institutional Effectiveness, Success, and Equity (IESE)

The Institutional Effectiveness, Success, and Equity (IESE) office aims to advance student success and equity by integrating, aligning, and sustaining improvement efforts across the College. IESE provides coordination, support, and collaborative leadership for the college’s planning, assessment, evaluation, and equity efforts to advance the College’s mission. We approach this work with a social justice lens to advance equity and excellence. The IESE unit includes the institutional effectiveness, equity, strategic planning, assessment, engagement and validation, and institutional research functions. For additional information, please contact Brianna Hays, Senior Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, Success and Equity at

Intercollegiate Athletics

The mission of the Cuyamaca College Athletics Department is to provide all student athletes quality intercollegiate sports that will complement the college’s instructional programs, enhance student life on campus, and foster community interest and support.

The Cuyamaca College Coyotes' basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, track & field and volleyball teams compete in the Pacific Coast Conference, which consists of the following colleges: Grossmont, Imperial Valley, Mira Costa, Palomar, San Diego City, San Diego Mesa, San Diego Miramar, and Southwestern.

Cuyamaca College has won conference championships in men's golf, women’s tennis, men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s cross country, and men’s and women’s track and field. State championships have been awarded to men’s and women’s cross country and many track and field individual events. Cuyamaca coaches have had numerous coaching excellence awards in soccer, cross country, and track and field.

Student athletes must be continuously and actively enrolled in 12 or more units during the sport season. 24 units must be completed for eligibility between the first and second season of competition. Athletes follow an educational plan and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. Authority for eligibility must be verified by the Dean of Athletics. Academic achievement and high level athletic performance is strongly connected for Cuyamaca sports participation. Advancing student athletes to four-year universities is a primary goal of the Athletics Department.

Learning and Technology Resources - LTR


Cuyamaca Library is committed to connecting students with the world of ideas and information.

To this end, the Library fosters student success by leading information literacy efforts.

We excel in:

  • teaching information literacy skills for student academic development;
  • ensuring equitable access to scholarly and diverse resources of information;
  • integrating librarians, programs, and services into the academic curriculum;
  • creating comfortable and safe spaces conducive to study, research, and interaction.

Cuyamaca Library has a positive reputation. Students recognize the Library for its attention to service and commitment to instruction. Students consider Cuyamaca Library essential to their success.


Computer Access: Cuyamaca College has computer labs available for student use in the following locations:

  • Tech Mall, E-121
  • Stem Center, H-Building

Computer Help Desk: The Help Desk is your best resource for troubleshooting technical difficulties such as login issues for student email, campus network, campus Wi-Fi, library database, or Canvas.

Phone: (619) 660-4395



Wi-Fi is also available for currently enrolled students who choose to bring their own devices (Cuyamaca Wireless). If you need technical assistance with accessing the Wi-Fi using your student account, our on-site technical staff is available to assist you in the Tech Mall (E-121).

NextUp! Program or Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support (NextUp! Or CAFYES)

NextUp is a program housed within EOPS department. The mission of this program is to provide additional services and support to eligible current or former foster youth under the age of 26. The services provided are: priority registration, academic/career/personal counseling, book and supply grants, tutoring, independent living and financial literacy skills support, frequent in-person contact, transportation assistance, unmet need grants, referrals to health services, mental health services, housing assistance, and other related services. The NextUp program is in the EOPS Office located in the Student Services Bldg G-300. Contact NextUp at (619) 660-4689. Eligibility requirements and more information can be found at

Queer Student Center

It is the mission of the Cuyamaca College Queer Student Center to prioritize LGBTQIA2s+ students and create an environment that enhances the well-being of its community, sees strength in individuality, and promotes dignity and pride. We focus on the basic rights of our LGBTQIA2s+ students and offer assistance with housing resources, food resources, and resources for mental wellness. The Queer Student Center also serves as a safe space for students to study, hold study groups, and attend workshops facilitated by the Queer Student Center staff. Students who are in need of advocacy with social services are welcome to visit the Queer Student Center. The center is located in Room I-107, Phone: (619) 660-6517.

Resources for Immigrant Students of Education (RISE)

Borderless Spaces is a program for undocumented students as a result of the 2013 California Dream Act legislation. The program is designed to assist undocumented students with counseling, assistance with financial aid, peer advocacy, book loans, specialized workshops and cohort building events and orientations. The program is located within the Annex 2 center. You may contact us at (619) 660-4204 or visit our website at

Student Picture I.D. Card

A Student Picture I.D. Card is required for access to library check-out services and may be required for some laboratory classes. After you have completed the registration process (new students must wait 24 hours), please come to one of the two Student Picture I.D. Offices for this free card. You must present a valid government issued identification card. The offices are located in the Tech Mall (Room E-121, Business & Technology Building) and in Admissions & Records, in the Student Services Building, Room G-104. Every Cuyamaca College student is allowed one Student Picture I.D. Card while attending Cuyamaca College. Phone: (619) 660-4649.

Together We Rise Latinx Student Center

The Together We Rise Latinx Student Center provides a space for community building, connection, and support with a focus on Latinx students. To advance the College's vision of Equity, Excellence, and Social Justice, the Together We Rise Latinx Student Center offers peer mentoring and events for students and families to strengthen connections to the campus and build a strong sense of community. The Center regularly hosts engagement events, cultural celebrations, and workshops to support student retention and success. The Center also serves as a lounge space for students to study, hold study groups, access computers, and receive higher educational legal assistance. The center is located in Annex 2, Phone: (619) 660-4628.

Transfer Center

The Transfer Center assists students with the process of transferring to four-year colleges and universities by providing the most current information available to ensure a smooth transition. The community college is the crucial link between the K-12 system and four-year academic institutions and the Transfer Center works closely with student services and instruction to strengthen the transfer process at Cuyamaca College.

The Transfer Center provides a variety of services including: hosting four-year university representatives, online counseling, transfer fairs, application workshops and Transfer Achievement Celebration to honor those students who have been admitted to the four-year university. For additional information visit or email us at


We Make Good Students Better! Tutoring services are free, and students may begin using services at any point in the semester. Learning Assistants -- most of whom are current or former Cuyamaca students, themselves – help students adapt to college, learn course skills and content, refine general study skills and strategies, and become more confident, independent learners. Tutoring is offered in online, email, and in-person formats through various campus locations as well as through the Cuyamaca Virtual Tutoring Center. For more information and/or to request an appointment, please click on the blue “Tutoring” link in your course Canvas container, email, visit the Tutoring website at, or leave a voicemail at (619) 660-4525.

Academic Resource Center

The ARC is located on the first floor of the Library building in room C-102. Tutoring is available to support student learning in a wide variety of academic and career education programs. Individual, group and online tutoring sessions are available by appointment. (Lab tutoring hours are also available when scheduling permits). Please visit our website for more information and current hours at, email, or leave a voicemail at (619) 660-4525.

STEM Achievement Center

The STEM Achievement Center is located in the H building, and provides individual and group tutoring services in the Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics. Students have access to graphing calculators and textbooks check-out during tutoring hours. The STEM Achievement Center hosts a 36 station computer lab and Wi-Fi for student to use. Please, visit our website for more information and current hours at, email, or leave a voicemail at (619) 660-4525.

Writing Center

The Writing Center, located in B-167, provides support for students in any course who would like assistance with reading, writing, or ESL skills. Individual, group and online tutoring sessions are available by appointment. The Writing Center’s computer lab with wireless Internet access provides a supportive environment in which students may work on course-related assignments. Please visit our website for more information and current hours at, email, or leave a voicemail at (619) 660-4525.


Umoja: a Kiswahili word meaning Unity

UMOJA is a student success program and commUNITY designed to enhance the educational experiences of African American, and other historically underrepresented students. We provide support for personal, educational, and professional development through counseling, community building, and academic and personal growth courses. For additional information, please visit

Umoja Program Benefits

  • Priority Registration
  • Career, Academic, and Personal Counseling with a dedicated Umoja Counselor
  • Tutoring and Academic Support
  • Fellowship and Comradery with Staff and Fellow UMOJA Students  
  • Deeper understanding of African American literature and themes
  • Opportunities to attend Umoja sponsored conferences and events
  • Cultural Field Trips
  • HBCU, CSU, and UC College Tours
  • Access to Umoja Community scholarships
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Lifelong friendships
  • Community Service Opportunities