Academic Catalog

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Philosophy Associate in Arts

Philosophy is arguably the oldest intellectual discipline, and yet remains one of the most relevant. Philosophers critically question the foundations of past and contemporary world views. In our discipline, we study the views of Plato, Confucius, Ibn Sina, Aquinas, Sor Juana, Kant, Octavio Paz, Nietzsche, Simone de Beauvoir, Einstein, and Cornell West, to name just a few. Each of these intellectual giants establishes a new framework from which to assess our own realities, values, and experiences. This major not only provides a solid, diverse, and inclusive background for transfer to four-year institutions, but also satisfies those who find common, everyday answers lacking. Those who believe the unexamined life is not worth living will gain much from the study of Philosophy as its study is transformative. Additionally, the degree prepares students for a surprisingly wide array of careers.

Career Opportunities

College Administrator1
Cultural Affairs Officer1
Insurance Agent / Broker
Marketing Manager
Manuscript Reader
Policy Analyst
Sales Representative
Teacher / Professor1


Bachelor’s Degree or higher required.

The Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) below are outcomes that students will achieve after completing specific degree / certificate requirements in this program. Students will:

  1. Recall, explain, and locate theories and concepts into philosophical traditions, eras, and modes of inquiry; and
  2. Analyze individual and institutional belief systems, including one’s or their own, to evaluate philosophical assumptions about truth, ontology, values, reasoning, and methodology; and
  3. Utilize those evaluations in the creation of revised justified beliefs; and
  4. Apply philosophical methodologies to everyday encounters and inquiries.  

Associate Degree Major Requirements

Note: All courses must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or higher or “Pass.”

PHIL-110A General Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL-145Social and Political Philosophy3
Select one of the following:3
History of Philosophy I: Ancient and Medieval
History of Philosophy II: Modern and Contemporary
Select two of the following:6
Any course from above not already used or
United States' Philosophies
Asian and Pacific Philosophies
Latin American Philosophy
Select two of the following:6
Any course from above not already used or
Philosophy and Popular Culture
Problems in Ethics
The Philosophy of Art
The Philosophy of Science
Total Units21

Plus General Education and Elective Requirements


Recommended for students planning to major in philosophy at a university.