Academic Catalog

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Spanish for Transfer (AA-T)

The Associate in Arts in Spanish for Transfer (AA-T) degree is designed to facilitate transfer to a California State University in keeping with SB1440. A total of 23 units are required to fulfill the major portion of this degree. This degree reflects the Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) supported by the statewide Academic Senate. Students must also complete the California State University (CSU) General Education Breadth requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) (see the “General Education Requirements and Transfer Information” section of the catalog). A student may apply for this degree in conjunction with an Associate in Arts in Spanish degree provided the courses taken meet the requirements of both degrees. Students should speak with a counselor to verify that the requirements for either or both degrees have been met. In addition, students planning to transfer to SDSU should consult with a counselor.

The following requirements must be met to be awarded an Associate in Arts in Spanish for Transfer (AA-T) degree:

  1. Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following:
    1. The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education- Breadth Requirement.
    2. A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.
  2. Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Students are also required to earn a “C” grade or higher or “Pass” in all courses required for the major.

This degree transfers to a university where one can continue work leading to a baccalaureate degree in Spanish, Spanish Literature, Linguistics, Latin American Studies, Comparative Literature, Translation and Interpretation, International Business and Bilingual Education. In addition, there are selected entry level positions in education and business open to the graduate with a degree in Spanish. Some individuals follow the steps necessary to go beyond an undergraduate degree and enter graduate schools leading to careers in higher education, Spanish Literature or Linguistics. For special requirements, the student should consult the baccalaureate granting institution he/she is considering for matriculation.

The Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) below are outcomes that students will achieve after completing specific degree / certificate requirements in this program. Students will:

  1. Think critically and effectively express in Spanish their views in written and verbal communication.
  2. Compare and contrast the Hispanic culture with those of the learner in order to gain better understanding of the Spanish language, customs values, attitudes, patterns of behavior, and social mores.
  3. Acquire and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the Spanish language, customs, geography, art, music, institutions and culture in general of the Spanish speaking countries in order to understand the current language and culture and how they have evolved.
  4. Pursue advanced study in the Spanish language and relevant career-oriented programs.

Associate Degree Major Requirements

​Note: All courses must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or higher or “Pass.”

Required Core
SPAN-120Spanish I5
SPAN-121Spanish II5
SPAN-220Spanish III5
or SPAN-122 Spanish for the Native Speaker I
SPAN-221Spanish IV5
or SPAN-123 Spanish for the Native Speaker II
List A
Select one of the following:3
Spanish and Latin American Cultures
Conversational Spanish I
Conversational Spanish II
U.S. History: Chicano/Chicana Perspectives I
U.S. History: Chicano/Chicana Perspectives I
U.S. History: Chicano/Chicana Perspective II
U.S. History: Chicano/Chicana Perspectives II
Units in the major23
Plus General Education Requirements (CSU GE or IGETC)37-39
Total Units60

Complete transferable units as needed to reach 60.

Students completing IGETC may be awarded the degree, but they must complete a course from Area 1C: Oral Communication to meet CSU admission requirements