Academic Catalog

Health Education (HED)

Keys to Successful Weight Control  1.5 UNITS  
1.5 hours lecture  
This course explores the determinants of weight gain, loss and maintenance including food intake, energy expenditure, genetics, social pressures and psychological factors. Students will learn the proven keys to successful and long term weight control. A variety of approaches to weight control will be examined with thought to effectiveness, safety and nutritional adequacy. Disordered eating, including emotional eating, compulsive eating, bulimia and anorexia nervosa will be examined relative to their relationship to weight control. (CSU)
Health Education for Teachers  1 UNITS  
1.0 hours lecture  
This course provides the background information and skills teachers need to implement comprehensive school health education at the grade levels in which they are certified. The course includes information on the six categories of risk behavior identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It includes the objectives for Healthy People 2030; how to access CDC School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Behavior Among Children and Adolescents, and a discussion of the Safe and Drug-Free School Program. It examines the eight components of a coordinated school health program and the National Health Education Standards. State-of-the art information is provided on school health services, a healthful and safe school environment, the comprehensive school health education curriculum, and instructional strategies and technologies. A review of the ten content areas of health is included. (CSU)
Personal Health and Lifestyles  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
A course emphasizing the information required to make important decisions concerning lifestyle and total health. This course examines stress, drugs, major diseases, nutrition, weight control, sexuality, aging, environmental issues, and other topics related to health and fitness with an emphasis on applying the information to personal behaviors. This course challenges the student to assume responsibility for, and take charge of their own health and well-being. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-E)
Introduction to Public Health  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the environmental, biological, and socio-cultural determinants of public health. The areas of emphasis are health and community behavior, infectious and chronic disease, environmental health, public health policy, implementation, and regulation. Along with the In- depth examination of these areas, there will be a focus on the epidemiology of infectious and chronic disease and their impact on society as a whole, environmental health, health promotion, global health (including health disparities and cultural competence), and public health policy and management (including disaster and epidemic preparedness). An overview of various public health professions and institutions will also be covered. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-E)